Protocol did not address forest loss in central Europe sufficiently, a second Sulfur
Protocol was signed in 1994 that will result in a 60 percent reduction in sulfur emis-
sions below 1980 values by 2010.
10.7.1. Methods of Controlling Emissions
Several mechanisms are available to control emissions of acid deposition precursors.
These include the mandatory use of low-sulfur coal instead of high-sulfur coal and the
use of emission-control technologies. The amount of SO
(g) emitted during coal com-
bustion depends on the sulfur content of the coal. In the United States, about 39
percent of coal is mined in the Appalachian Mountains and the rest is mined west of
the Mississippi River, with Wyoming producing 31 percent of all U.S. coal, the largest
percentage of any state (EIA, 2000). Coal from the Appalachian Mountains has a high
sulfur content. The cost of transporting Appalachian coal to power plants, most of
which are in the midwest and eastern United States, is lower than is the cost of trans-
porting low-sulfur coal from
Wyoming or other western states to these plants. As such,
coal burners prefer to use high-sulfur coal. As a result of the CAAA90 requirement to
reduce SO
(g) emissions, the reliance on western U.S. coal is expected to increase.
Use of low-sulfur coal is one mechanism to reduce emission of SO
(g) during coal
burning. Another is to remove a certain fraction of sulfur from high-sulfur coal before
burning it. A technology available for reducing SO
(g) emission from a stack is the
scrubber, first developed by William Gossage to reduce HCl(g) emission. A modern-
day scrubber works by dissolving SO
(g) into small water drops sprayed into an
exhaust stream, then removing the drops on a collecting surface, such as a bed or a
wetted surface.
10.7.2. Effects of Regulation
The U.S. EPA Office of Air and Radiation estimates that sulfate concentrations in rain-
fall were 10 to 25 percent less in 1995 and 1996 than what they would have been if
controls mandated through the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 had not been imple-
mented. The largest reductions in sulfate concentrations occurred along the Ohio River
Valley and states downwind. Nitrate concentrations during this period did not improve.
Reductions of sulfur dioxide emissions in Canada have reduced the acidity of some
Canadian lakes and forests. For example, in the late 1960s,
the Sudbury, Ontario, nickel-
smelting stack (Section was the largest individual source of SO
(g) in North
America, emitting 5000 tons of SO
(g) per day, devastating nearby lakes and forests.
Today, its emissions are below 500 tons of SO
(g) per day, and nearby lakes and forests
have partially regenerated. Reductions in the acidity of lakes in Quebec, Atlantic
Canada, and other areas of Ontario have been less dramatic (Environment Canada,
2000b). Many lakes in Sweden have been restored, but many more are still damaged by
acid deposition. Acid deposition problems in eastern Europe and Asia are still severe.
In this chapter, the history, science, effects, and control of acid deposition were dis-
cussed. Acidity is determined by pH, which ranges from less than 0 (very acidic) to
more than 14 (very basic). The pH of distilled water is 7, of natural rainwater is 5.0 to