chemical shift of about 1 eV for d - block elements. In main group elements this
shift increment can be larger. It needs to be pointed out that these rules are not
supported by quantum chemical considerations and that many exceptions exist.
Nevertheless, they are very popular and give rise to frequent and extensive debates
in the literature about the nature of chemical bonding in a particular system. In
light of the lack of theoretical justifi cation for such shift scales, it is not recom-
mended to use such shift arguments in attempts to derive a description of the
chemical bonding. Other properties of the experimental spectrum, such as the
satellite features [11, 14, 17, 18] or the valence band, should be used instead.
Despite these caveats, the use of these correlations is frequent in catalysis science
and several examples of their application in vanadium - based systems will be dis-
cussed below. It is, however, no surprise that substantial differences and debates
exist in the literature about the nature of the chemical bonding as derived from
such empirical correlations. It is only considered useful to consider empirical shift
arguments as ordering criteria for systems with different chemical bonding, being
related, for example, to functional performance. The jump to the conclusion that
ground state electronic differences may be responsible for observed functional
differences (activities or selectivity in catalysis) is unjustifi ed on the basis of chemi-
cal shift arguments. A prominent example of this debate is the role of putative
pentavalent vanadium compounds in selective oxidation catalysis, which will be
elaborated in detail below. An exception would be the comparison of spectra of
different samples of the same general chemical compound of a given element, for
example the analysis of a series of defect species of an oxide of a given transition
metal. Also in a series of compounds with large electrostatic contributions to the
chemical bonding (salts) [19 – 22] , the assumption of a large contribution of ground
state electron density to the chemical shift may be valid.
The relaxation energy ( E
) is a sum of contributions describing the response of
the electronic structure to the creation of the core hole on the femtosecond tim-
escale. This response is detected by the photoelectron leaving as an exit wave from
the excited atom and modifi es its energy to a considerable extent. The effect is
larger the deeper the core hole in energy, and can reach values of about 10% of
the total energy. For deep core holes the relaxation is only weakly dependent on
the chemical nature of the sample, but this is not the case [15, 23, 24] for high -
lying core levels. The relaxation phenomena are caused by the partial or complete
screening of the initial core hole by the surrounding electrons. The effectiveness
of the screening depends on the extent of overlap between the wave functions of
the parent state and the state that contributes to the screening. The screening is
largely dominated quantitatively by weakly localized valence states, for example
“ free electrons ” from metals are very effective. Also valence electrons from sur-
rounding atoms can effectively contribute to the core hole relaxation (extra - atomic
contribution). These two contributions mean that the chemical structure can have
a substantial effect on the extent of core hole relaxation when comparing chemical
compounds with insulating properties and high oxidation states to matrices with
metallic properties and low oxidation states. As the total contribution of relaxation
to the experimental binding energy is large (easily a few tens of electron volts) it
6.2 XPS as a Surface-Sensitive Technique 251