“crystal splintering”, i.e., grit flaking due to thermal stress, and grit fragmentation.
However, they did explain their results in terms of Hahn’s thermal shock hypothe-
sis. Hahn’s experimental conditions suggested that a ttritious wear was expected to
have a major contribution to the thermal shock hypothesis as Mohun [113]
observed with abrasive discs. The wear measurements of Hahn [83] were based
on the reduction in wheel d iameter w hich Malkin and Cook [79, 98] attributed to
attritious wear. Wear rates recorded were of the order of 50 min./s on wheel
diameter. For purely attritious wear, wheel wear rates of the order of 5 min./s are
normally observed. This indicated that the wear mechanism was not solely due to
attritious wear. The am ount of fracture wear present m ay consist of fragments of
uniform average size particles due to partial mechanical grit fracture, or thermal
Malkin and Cook [79, 98] collected wheel wear pa rticles for each grade of
wheel tested when grinding with a fixed set of operating conditions then analysed
their size distribution statistically. They found that with a s oft grade wheel
(G-grade), approximately 85% of the total wheel wear was due to bond fracture
whilst with a harder K-grade wheel, this value reduces to around 55%. Attritious
wear particles accounted for only 4% of the total wear in b oth cases. The strongest
evidence in support of the idea of fracture due to mechanical loading is that
fracture occurs at some distance away from the cutting tips [105, 114]. Yoshikawa
[103] concluded that the heat generated by cutting has no effect on grit fracture
since the peak temperature of the grip occurs at the surface of the grit in contact
with the w orkpiece where fracture would be initiated upon cooling according to the
thermal stress hypothesis. The hypothesis does not take into account any differ-
ence in coefficient of thermal expansion between grit and bond materials, and also
of the effect of thermal shocks due to the quenching action of grinding fluids on the
grit leaving the cutting zone. Saito and Kagiwada [ 115] analysed the latter case and
reported that the thermal stress in a grit due to a pulsating heat source showed that
the m agnitude of the maximum tensile stress is not large enough to cause fracture
of the grit.
Eiss [ 111]andMalkinandCook[79, 98] both adopted the mechanical
loading approach. Eiss applied a theoretical model of an idealised grit
and compared it with grinding data. Malkin and Cook [79, 98] derived an expres-
sion, from first principles, for the probability of bond fracture against the bond
stress factor, (F
. Yoshikawa and Sata [103]andYoshikawa[101]
developed expressions for the probability of grit and bond po s t fractu re as functions
of grit stress, s
, and the product (1/V
), where f
is the grit
grinding force, V
is the percentage of bond in the wheel by weight, and 1/V
the bond weakness factor.
Although bond and grit fracture are similar mechanisms they have a different
effect on the economics of the grinding process. The first mechanism results in a
rapid loss of wheel, and the second mechanism, on a comparable scale with the
uncut-chip thickness, generates sharp cutting edges and is known a s the self-
dressing action. Both mechanical and thermal stresses seem to be responsible for
fracture wear. The effect of heat at the grit interface is responsible for locally
48 M.J. Jackson and M.P. Hitchiner