ferrosilicon. A typical fusion of 30 tons may take around 20 h to completely fill and
melt the contents of the furnace pot, cooling time may be up to 4 days. The cooling
is very directional; the insulating outer layer of the melt is quenched next to the pot
and highly microcrystalline. There is then a large crystalline, dendritic, growth
region in a radial direction with solidification in towards the center of the pot as heat
flows from the center out. The pot has a high profile with an aspect ratio of about
1:1. Impurities will concentrate in the liquid phase in the center and towards the
bottom of the forming ingot. After cooling the ingot must be broken up and hand
sorted to remove the primary concentration of impurities. Additional iron and
ferrosilicon are subsequently removed with magnetic separators during crushing
(Fig. 1.23).
The reaction conditions for a WFA fusion are in general not considered reducing
in that the only carbon present is from the electric arc and starter rods. The biggest
concern is the conversion of the residual soda from the Bayer process feed
into Sodium b-Alumina which crystallizes as soft hexagonal plates in the alumina.
As Sodium b-Alumina has a lower melting point than alumina it will again
concentrate in the in portions of the ingot that solidify last. The Higgins furnace
has evolved from an original design with a small capacity of 1–5 tons to furnaces
today of up to 40 tons with pot diameters of up to 3.5 m (12 ft) and a power supply
of up to 4 MVA. It requires 2.2 MVA h to produce 1 tonne of BFA and 1.5 MVA h
to produce 1 tonne of WFA. However, with increasing capacity and efficiency
demands there has been a move towards even larger tilting furnaces up to 6 m in
diameter that can pour the molten alumina into pots with water cooled hearths.
These furnaces use a power supply of as much as 10 MVA or even greater and can
pour up to 24 tons every 4 h whilst maintaining a more consistent batch to batch
Pour pot design for use with tilt furnaces can have a major impact on grain
structure and chemistry (Fig. 1.24). For example for a WFA fusion pour into a high
profile pot the cooling process and output is simi lar to a Higgins furnace i.e. a large
alumina crystallite size with dendritic growth and a very low sodium b alumina
content after sorting. However pouring into a low profile pot (aspect ratio 1)
onto a cold hearth results in a much faster cooling rate, a fine crystallite alumina
structure and a much more evenly dispersed – but higher – sodium b-alumina
content. The high thermal gradient when cooling a WFA ingot in a deep profile
pot causes crystallization of a-alumina in a dendritic habit made up of inter-grown
rhombohedra extending along the thermal gradient. This type of crystal is the result
of the edges of the rhombohedron growing much faster than the faces (Fig. 1.25).
Abrasive grain made from this will tend to fracture in relatively large fragments
along well defined planes but be very self-sharpening.
Crystallization in low profile pots will show structures with less directional
growth and that are finer in crystal size resulting in smaller fragments during
grain fracture; the material is also about 10% softer from higher sodium b-alumina
contamination. For BFA fusions in tilt pour furnaces about 25% of the furnace
content is poured each time while most of the ferrosilicon collects at the bottom
where it can accumulate over many regular pours until it is removed in a “deep
24 M.J. Jackson and M.P. Hitchiner