High temperature and pressures are generated by three main press designs: the
belt press, the cubic anvil press and the split-sphere (BARS) press. The belt press as
developed for the first diamond synthesis by GE consists of an upper and lower
anvil applying pressure to a cylindrical inner cell or bombe. The pressure is
confined radially by a steel belt. Belt presses with substantial bomb volumes have
been developed in recent years for the growth of large single crystals by companies
such as Sumitomo and Ladd [68]. The bombe is doped with a seed crystal and a
temperature gradient is created within such that diamond is gradually and steadily
deposited over a prolonged period of time. The resulting diamond crystal is then
laser cut along specific crystallographic directions to produce needles and blocks
suitable for diamond dressing tools, rolls and wire drawing dies.
The cubic anvil press has six anvils that apply pressure simultaneously onto the
faces of a cube-shaped bombe. This type of press has a relatively small bombe
diamond. The labor input required is relatively high but is popular for the recent
rapid increase in production of diamond in China. The split-sphere BARS appara-
tus, developed in Russia, is a method f or growing prima rily large high quali ty
diamond for specialized and applications and the gem market.
Synthetic CVD diamond – The synthesis o f diamond by Chemical vapor
deposition (CVD) is a method first developed i n Russia in the 1970s. Carbonaceous
gas is reacted at high temperature in the presence of reducing hydrogen atoms in
near vacuum to form the diamond phase on an appropriate substrate. Energy is
provided by a hot filament or plasma to dissociate the carbon and hydrogen into
atoms. Hydrogen is critical i n that it interact with the carbon and prevents any
possibility of graphi te forming while promoting diamond growth on the sub stra te .
The substrate composition, preparation and crystallographic orientation are all a lso
critical. The resulting CVD diamond layer forms as a fine crystalline columnar
structure wi th a thickness of up to 1–3 mm. There is only limited crystallographic
orientation exhibited making wear characteristics much more uniform and less
sensitive to orientati on than single crys tal diamond. CVD diamond is not used as an
abrasive but is again is becoming very prevalent in dressing tools and form rolls.
CVD diamond c ont ains no metal s olv ent contam inat es which can ac tu ally be a
problem when being fabricated for applications such as sh aped cutting tools, since
it cannot be EDM wire cut. Diamond wetting also appears mor e difficult in brazing
and m ust be compensated for by the use of an appropriate coating.
Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) – Cubic boron nitride (CBN) is the most recent of
major abrasive types, and the brain-child of Bob Wentorf of the same Super-
Pressure Team at GE that developed synthetic diamond. Boron nitride occurs
normally in the hexagaonal form, a white slippery substance with an hexagonal
layered atomic structure called HBN (or a-BN) similar to graphite but with alter-
nating nitrogen and boron atoms. Wentorf noted its similarities to the struct ure and
bonding of graphite and proceeded to determine a suitable high temperature solvent
to grow the cubic structured form – CBN (or b-BN). CBN is not found naturally but
must be synthesized at pressures and temperatures comparable to those for dia-
mond. The chemistry however is quite different; CBN shows no affinity for
42 M.J. Jackson and M.P. Hitchiner