property that it is metastable in the tetragonal state at certain crystal sizes when held
under const raint. For pure zirconia the grain size upper limit is about 0.1–0.3 mm.
With additions of small amounts of the alkali oxides CaO or MgO, or rare earths
oxides such as Y
or CeO
this limit can be raised into the micron range. Without
constraint the tetragonal crystal converts to the monoclinic phase with a significant
increase in volume of about 6%. If a crack from an active fracture intersects with a
tetragonal crystal it releases the constraint but in the process the volume expansion
to the monoclinic phase dissipates the ability of the crack tip to propagate. The
result is an increase in the K
fracture toughness of the grain of an order of
The technical superiority of a fused grain of zirconia over one of alumina
especially at ve ry c oarse sizes for rough gri nding wa s re cognized by the mid
1960s but was c ost prohi bitiv e , a ltho ugh alumina-zirconia blends showed advan-
tage, [39]. It was also recognized that an alumina-zirconia eutectic produced a
strong structure due to a uniform dispersion of fine zirconia crystals in an alumina
matrix. However, any excess alumina or zirconia from the eutectic would grow to a
considerable crystal size depending on cooling rates from the melt. Rapid quench
was therefore identified as a nece ssary pre-re quisite of a proce ssing route, [40].
This required quench rates of 100
C/s, two orders of magnitude faster than
previously. Numerous attempts were made during the late 1960s and 1970s to
develop a viable process [41–49], using various inert cooling media or hearth
plates, but it was a process developed by Scott [50, 51], of the Norton company that
was to p rove commercially and technically effective. The process from the original
patent is illustrated in Fig. 1.29.
Molten alumina-zirconia from an electric arc tilt furnace is poured into the
relatively thin spaces between a plurality of relatively thick heat sink plates of
graphite or iron as they pass underneath, before being emptied at a discharge station
by the plates separating. The result is a very fine structure of a-alumina with high
tetragonal zirconia content. The zirconia is in the form of rods (or platelets) which,
on the average, are less than 0.3 mm in diameter. The solidified melt is made up of
cells or colonies typically 40 microns or less across their width. Groups of cells
having identical orientation of microstructure form grains which typicall y include
from 2 to 100 or more cells or colonies [52]. Figure 1.30 shows a TEM micrograph
that illustrates the fine, rod-like zirconia struct ures within the larger cell [53].
After solidification the material is comminuted by standard methods of crushing,
milling and sizing to product grain. The processing will lead to some conversion of
the tetragonal to the monoclinic phase depending on the processing energy and
especially on the final grain size. The Smallest grain will lose much of its tetragonal
toughening favoring this type of grain for use in coarse-sized, roughing operations.
The vast majority of alumina-zirconia grain for grinding wheels contains 25%
zirconia, and sold under the trade names of ZF or ZS alundum, depending on the
comminution method, and used in hot pressed resin bonds for rough steel, titanium
and nick el alloy billet conditioning, or for foundry snagging. Grain size can be as
coarse as 4# (“0.26” or 6.8 mm) and used either as a single grain type or blended to
include extruded sintered brown alumina (for finish), SiC (grinding titanium) or
1 Abrasive Tools and Bonding Systems 31