the workpiece, and considerable heat is generated and majority of the them enters
the workpiece. This might be responsible for the undesirable surface finish and
introduces residual stress. Therefore, by evaluating the surface finish and residual
stress mainly, grinding surface integrity could be enhanced.
However, the surface integrity is only one aspect of optimum grinding condi-
tions, which are defined when achieving the maximum metal removal rate while
maintaining the required surface integrity, mainly in terms of surface finish and
residual stress, so that the decision of optimum grinding condi tions which has also
been termed as “art of grinding” usually requires expensive and scarce skill and is a
time consuming job. In this case, an adaptive control engine which is able to
optimize automatically will be meaningful. It is important to know the model for
predicting the onset of grinding burn based on which the adaptive control for
grinding process proposed can detect and prevent thermal dam age during machin-
ing and hence improve surface finish.
According to well-documented literature about the relationship between work-
piece surface finish and grinding process variables, the surface finish is primarily
affected by the normal force intensity and the wheel dressing conditions. Also, a
proportional relationship was found between the surface finish and the metal
removal rate. Surface finish is also affected by wheel regenerative chatter vibra-
tions. Hah n and Linds ay [12, 13] proposed a correlation between thermal
damage and normal force intensity. As for grinding burn, Cebals propos ed that it
was related to the grinding coefficient, defined as the ratio of the tangential
grinding force to the normal grinding force. A coefficient of less than 0.4 indicates
the production of thermally damaged parts. In general, based on the above investi-
gation, both surface finish and grinding thermal damage/burn can be controlled
by grinding at a reasonable work speed under controlled force intensities or ratio of
the tangential grinding force to the normal grinding force with wheels, whose
sharpness is maintained above safety level. Its advantages in requiring less grinding
data and less computation load comparing with regression techniques facilitates the
application in grinding adaptive control of workpiece fin ish surface integrity.
However, when comes to the control procedure, more considerations about the
process models should be conducted for thermal damage and surface finish sepa-
Firstly, the adaptive control strategy utilizes the monitored grinding force
data to control the feed rate in order to prevent thermal damage. Since the relation-
ship between normal force and feed rate, which to some extent determines
the success of the control law, may vary from different grinding wheel-
workpiece combinations and hard to predict, identification of the relationship
is necessary requiring the normal force and feed rates are monitored during
grinding cycle. Once this crucial model is established via process identification
in real-time, it could be used to control the feed rate to achieve constant
force grinding and hence prevent thermal damage.
Secondly, surface finish could be measured in an adaptive control iden tification
strategy similar to the strategy adopted for thermal damage, even though it can only
be applied in off-line manner. When the model which connects normal force and
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