5.2.2 Grinding of Ceramics
High surface integrity of hard, brittle monocrystalline materials with mirror-like
and fracture-free surfaces can be achieved by ultra-precision grinding [16, 17].
It has been shown both theoretically and experimentally that the mechanism of
material removal can be purely ductile when sufficient independent slip systems are
activated [18, 19]. However, in the case of grinding polycrystals, certain fractured
surface areas always appear, causing the degradation of their surface integrity
[18–21]. Zarudi and Zhang [22] pointed out that defects such as pores or voids in
a ceramic workpiece, a result of the sintering process of ceramics, contribute
significantly to the surface integrity of ground ceramic components. Alumina is
known as a material of low density with high temperature strength and high
resistance to wear and corrosion. These properties make it attractive to industry
for producing electronic and optical components that require high quality of surface
and damage-free subsurface. Thus in this section of the chapter, we will aim to
understand the formation mechanism of the surface and subsurface structures of
alumina in ultra-precision grinding. The conclusions obtained, however, will be
applicable to other ceramics of similar properties.
The materials used were polycrystalline alumina of 99.99% purity with average
grain diameters of 1 and 25 mm (Kyocera, Japan). The grinding experiments were
conducted on a precision surface grinder, Minini Junior CF CNC M286. A diamond
grinding wheel of SD4000L75BPF (diameter 305 mm, peripheral speed 27 m/s)
was used. The depth of cut was fixed at 100 nm but the table speed was varied from
0.02 to 1 m/min. A water based coolant Syntilo 3 (99% water, 1% mineral oil) was
applied. The topog raphy of the ground surfaces was explored by a high resolution
scanning microscope (HRSEM), JSM-6000F. The surface roughness was measured
by an atomic force microscope (AFM) and the subsurface structure of the speci-
mens was studied by a transmission electron microscope (TEM), EM 430. Detailed
procedures can be found in [18, 19, 22]. Surface Topography After Grinding
The surface topography of ground alumina is shown in Fig. 5.6. Mirror surfaces
were obtained under all the table speeds used. Plastic grooves were clearly seen on
the ground surface, suggesting the ductile mode of material removal. However,
some pits were also observed. The variation of Rms roughness vs. table speed for
both types of alumina is shown in Fig. 5.7. It is clear that Rms roughness increased
with the increase of table speed. For the 1 mm-grained alumina, the Rms roughness
increased from 30 to 50 nm with the increase of table speed from 0.02 to 1 m/min.
For the 25 mm-grained alumina, the effect was more pronounced and the Rms
roughness varied from 33 to 90 nm. It is worth noting that the Rms roughness was
influenced by pits on the surface, as shown in Fig. 5.8 (determined by the technique
of image analysis). It is obvious that the surface covered by pits decreases
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