is usually not a problem. Tensile residual stresses can occur under certain
combinations of thermal deformation and phase transformation.
In the case of a ceramics workpiece, to avoid macroscopic cracking, ductile
regime grinding is necessary. The ductile-mode of material removal is achieved by
the activation of sufficient number of independent slip systems. If a polycrystalline
ceramics contains surface pores, it is impossible to eliminate the micro-cracking at
the pore edge.
When grinding composites (fiber reinforced plastics in this chapter), fiber
breakage, de-lamination and cavitations are the major sources of subsurface
damages. To minimize these defects, smaller depth of abrasive cut is reco m-
mended. Meanwhile, it will be very helpful to obtain high surface integrity if the
fiber orientation relative to the grinding direction can be controlled or adjuste d.
In the grinding of monocrystalline silic on, amorphous phase transformation and
dislocations are the most critical events to avoid. It is possible to obtain damage-
free silicon surface (or perfect surface integrity) if critical stresses in grinding can
be controlled [41, 50].
The discussion in this chapter has been limited to the surface integrity of
workpiece materials under given grinding conditions. Nevertheless, there are
many other influential factors as outlined in Sect. 5.1 of the chapter. A change of
these will contribute to the achievable level of surface integrity. For a production
aiming at an optimal grinding process, a comprehensive consideration is necessary
to incorporate other factors such as properties of grinding wheels [61, 62] and
variations of wheel-workpiece contact details [63, 64].
Acknowledgments The continuous support of Australian Research Council to this work is
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