since they do not require precise mathemat ical models. The information from
human experts and experimental data could be extracted and formulated in the
control law design, which make these intelligent control techniques most suitable
for precision grinding and other abrasive processes, since the current industrial
practices heavily rely on experienced human operators in order to achieve the
desired results. By incorporating operators’ skills and knowledge, the following
grinding activities can be possibly performed by intelligent systems, such as:
Controlling the final part’s surface roughness
Preventing burning on the final part’s surface
Compensating for grinding machine and process variations
Reducing grinding vibration and chatter
Determining an appropriate dressing interval for grinding wheel
Rowe et al. [33, 34] provided an extensive review on different intelligent control
techniques in grinding processes. This review describes the object-oriented devel-
opment method of the generic intelligent control system for grinding based on the
proposed modular conceptual framework (as Fig. 6.17), also reviews previous work
towards intelligent grinding control and summarizes the previously used strategies
and introduces the structure and operation of the generic intelligent control system.
The most common practical operations are for external and internal cylindrical
grinding due to the lack of accurate analytical models or incomplete information
about the processes, where the intelligent control technologies emerged to be
promising when the conventional methods often fail. The trend of increasing
usage of machine intelli gence in grinding systems and operations is clearer and
more researchers are working in this area nowadays. A most significant reas on is
that the human specialist knowledge and lessons grained from previous operations
can be incorporate in the controller design to ensure a better system performance for
the future operations. A conceptual framework for a typical intelligent grinding
machine is illustrated in Fig. 6.17, where all essential elements have been tested and
integrated into practical gri nding systems.
Above conceptual framework provides a general guide to the design of the
intelligent control system. Of all the components, the executor plays the central
role, which is basi cally a software drive, capable of selecting relevant software
modules and integrating them to form an intelligent control system for a specific
grinding process following predetermined rules. Besides, it consists of several other
components, including I/O routines, process models and rules, a database, an
intelligent parameter selection system, typical grinding cycles, safety strategies,
adaptive strategies and learning strategies.
Nakajima et al. [35] presented a neuro & fuzz y in-process control technique for
plunge grinding processes, where a back-propagation neural network was built up
to predict the surface roughness during the process. The infeed rate to the speed
ratio was controlled and the grinding efficiency was optimized with the desired final
surface roughness, independent of the wheel surface condition. Xiao and Malkin
[25] proposed an intelligent grinding system, where the system used power and the
part size information (which was measured online) as the feedback signal to
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