190 Italian Demystifi ed
Beviamo il caffè! Let’s drink the coffee.
Ragazzi, date la mela al professore! Guys, give the apple to the professor.
Signori, dicano la verità! Gentlemen, tell the truth.
Maria, sii brava! Mary, be good.
Signor Dini, faccia questo! Mr. Dini, do this.
Stiamo zitti! Let’s be quiet.
Marco e Maria, uscite con noi! Mark and Mary, go out with us.
Signori, vengano alla festa! Gentlemen, come to the party.
Written Practice 3
Fill in the blanks with the missing imperative form of the indicated verb. Don’t for-
get to make the distinctions between familiar and polite forms!
1. Signora Verdi, con loro. Mrs. Verdi, go with them.
Signori, con loro. Gentlemen, go with them.
2. Maria, pazienza! Mary, have patience.
Ragazzi, pazienza! Boys, have patience.
3. Signor Verdi, il caffè! Mr. Verdi, drink the coffee.
Anche voi, il caffè! You, too, drink the coffee.
4. Maria, la mela al professore! Mary, give the apple to the
Signora, la mela a noi! Madam, give us the apple.
5. Marco e Maria, la verità! Mark and Mary, tell the truth.
Signori, la verità! Gentlemen, tell the truth.
6. Dino, bravo! Dino, be good.
Studenti, bravi! Students, be good.
7. Signora, questo! Madam, do this.
Maria, questo! Mary, do this.
8. Marco, zitto! Mark, be quiet.
Studenti, zitti! Students, be quiet.