mangiare to eat
(tu) mangia eat (familiar)
(Lei) mangi eat (polite)
(noi) mangiamo let’s eat
(voi) mangiate eat (familiar plural)
(Loro) mangino eat (polite plural)
Oral Practice
Practice saying the following sentences out loud.
Marco, aspetta qui! Mark, wait here.
Signora Verdi, aspetti qui, per favore! Mrs. Verdi, wait here, please.
Aspettiamo qui, va bene? Let’s wait here, okay?
Marco e Maria, aspettate qui! Mark and Mary, wait here.
Signori, aspettino qui, per favore! Gentlemen, wait here, please.
Claudia, mangia questa pesca! Claudia, eat this peach.
Signora Dini, mangi questa mela! Mrs. Dini, eat this apple.
Mangiamo quelle pesche! Let’s eat those peaches.
Pina e Bruno, cominciate a lavorare! Pina and Bruno, start working.
Signori, comincino, per favore! Gentlemen, begin, please.
Maria, cerca la mia penna! Mary, look for my pen.
Signora Dini, cerchi la Sua borsa! Mrs. Dini, look for your purse.
Paghiamo il conto! Let’s pay the bill.
Bruna e Paolo, pagate il conto! Bruna and Paul, pay the bill.
Signori, paghino il conto, per favore! Gentlemen, pay the bill, please.
NOTE: To indicate that the verb is in the imperative, it is better to end the sentence
with an exclamation point.
CHAPTER 10 Giving Commands 185