164 Italian Demystifi ed
Present Progressive Tense
Maria, che cosa stai leggendo? Anche lui sta dormendo, vero? Mary, what are
you reading? and He is also sleeping, isn’t he? The verbs in these two sentences are
in the present progressive tense. This is an alternative tense to the present indicative
when speaking of an ongoing action.
The present progressive tense uses the verb stare, which you already know from
Chapter 5, plus the gerund form of the verb showing the action. To form a gerund in
Italian, simply drop the infi nitive ending and add -ando to the stem of fi rst-conjuga-
tion verbs and -endo to the stems of the other two conjugations.
-are Verbs -ere Verbs -ire Verbs
parlare to speak mettere to put dormire to sleep
parlando speaking mettendo putting dormendo sleeping
Here is an example of each verb type conjugated in the present progressive
guardare to watch
(io) sto guardando I am watching
(tu) stai guardando you (familiar) are watching
(Lei) sta guardando you (polite) are watching
(lui/lei) sta guardando he/she is watching
(noi) stiamo guardando we are watching
(voi) state guardando you (familiar plural) are watching
(Loro) stanno guardando you (polite plural) are watching
(loro) stanno guardando they are watching
leggere to read
(io) sto leggendo I am reading
(tu) stai leggendo you (familiar) are reading
(Lei) sta leggendo you (polite) are reading
(lui/lei) sta leggendo he/she is reading
(noi) stiamo leggendo we are reading
(voi) state leggendo you (familiar plural) are reading
(Loro) stanno leggendo you (polite plural) are reading
(loro) stanno leggendo they are reading
fi nire to fi nish
(io) sto fi nendo I am fi nishing
(tu) stai fi nendo you (familiar) are fi nishing
(Lei) sta fi nendo you (polite) are fi nishing