Che cosa sentite? What do you hear?
Sentiamo una voce strana. We hear a strange voice.
Written Practice 1
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate present indicative forms of the verbs
1. Quando , signorina? When are you leaving, miss?
domani. I am leaving tomorrow.
2. Marco, tu in classe? Mark, do you sleep in class?
No, non mai in classe. No, I never sleep in class.
3. Quando il negozio? When does the store open?
Tutti i negozi alle sette. All the stores open at seven.
4. Che cosa , Dino e Dina? What do you hear, Dino and
una voce strana. We hear a strange voice.
Using the Verb Capire
Capisci l’italiano? Sì, capisco l’italiano. Do you understand Italian? Yes, I under-
stand Italian. The verb used in this case is capire (to understand), which is also, as
you can see, a third-conjugation verb. However, it is conjugated differently than the
-ire verbs previously discussed. With capire and a few other -ire verbs, -isc is
added to the verb stem before the endings are added except -iamo and -ite. Pay spe-
cial attention to this conjugation.
(io) capisco I understand, am understanding, do understand
(tu) capisci you (familiar) understand, are understanding, do understand
(Lei) capisce you (polite) understand, are understanding, do understand
(lui/lei) capisce he/she understands, is understanding, does understand
(noi) capiamo we understand, are understanding, do understand
(voi) capite you (familiar plural) understand, are understanding, do understand
(Loro) capiscono you (polite plural) understand, are understanding, do understand
(loro) capiscono they understand, are understanding, do understand
CHAPTER 8 Present Indicative of -ire Verbs 145