502 Langford and Sanderson
10. The pH of the collagen gel is a variable that influences the integrity of the gel and thus the
invasive extent of the cells. The pH is adjusted by varying the amount of sodium bicarbon-
ate added to the collagen gel solution. At slightly more acidic pH (i.e., 6.8–7.0) the gels do
not polymerize as well, and are unstable. While this allows cells to invade faster, the gels
become fragile, making it difficult to add media or wash solutions to the gels without damag-
ing the surface. Conversely, a more basic pH (i.e., 7.6–8.0) creates a gel through which cells
have difficulty invading. With experience, one can determine the optimal pH by carefully
examining the color of the solution. The appropriate pH results in a “salmon pink” color. For
initial experiments, a small amount of collagen gel solution can be applied to pH test strips for
accurate pH determination. If the pH of the collagen gel solution becomes too basic, discard
the solution.
11. If the collagen gel solution is not properly degassed, trapped air bubbles will compromise
the integrity of the gel and allow cells to invade at an artificially rapid rate.
12. While washing the gels and changing the media, care must be taken not to damage the gels.
If a hole appears during the quantification process, the gel must be discarded. When pipetting,
slowly allow each drop of liquid to spread over the surface of the gel or liquid surface rather
than drop from a distance. The impact of a large droplet of liquid may damage the gel.
13. The density of cells growing in culture before to the start of the invasion assay may also
affect the results. For myeloma cells, the most consistent results are obtained from cells
growing between 50% and 75% confluency. Myeloma cells at low density in fresh media,
or overconfluent cells in exhausted media, do not invade well.
14. Cells placed on the collagen gels should not have extensive cell–cell contact. This applies at
the beginning and end of the experiment. Thus, the size and mitotic rate of the cells to be
used dictate the density at which they are added to each collagen well. For myeloma cells, we
use 5.0 × 10
cells per collagen gel.
15. One of the most necessary requirements for obtaining interpretable results is the inclusion of
positive and negative controls (i.e., invasive and noninvasive cells respectively). This ensures
that the collagen gel is permissive for invasive cells yet still able to prevent noninvasive cells
from passively falling through the spaces between collagen fibers. By including these two
controls, data can be reported either as raw data (5) or as the percent invasion relative to the
controls (3). The latter method compensates for interassay variability.
16. The most critical step in the quantification process is the collagenase treatment used to
remove the noninvasive cell population from the gel surface. Overdigestion of the gel will
result in removal of many of the invasive cells, while underdigestion will fail to remove the
cells at the surface. Both situations produce inaccurate data.
17. Because the majority of cells in the noninvading controls are attached at the surface of the gel,
they form a “landmark” that can be used to determine the time required to remove the
noninvasive cells from the surface of all gels. After 5 min at 37°C of the first collagenase
digestion, the plate can be removed from the incubator and the cells on the surface examined
under an inverted phase microscope. If the majority of cells in the noninvading control are in
suspension, proceed to the next step. If many cells remain attached at the gel surface, return
the plate to the incubator for 1-min intervals and examine until the noninvading cells are
released from the gel surface.
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