Lipoprotein Proteoglycan Interactions 461
families of cell-surface HSPGs, prinicpally syndecans, perlecan, and glypicans, and it
is most informative to use cellular preparations that have one predominant cell-surface
HSPG, or else a limited and known combination of these HSPGs. For the study of
syndecans (Fig. 2A, left schema), we have used mainly Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)
cells that we transfected with an expression construct for the human syndecan-1 core
protein (27). For perlecan, we have used the WiDr colon carcinoma line, which
expresses perlecan but no other proteoglycans (American Type Culture Collection
[ATCC], Manassas, VA, cat. no. CCL 218, also known as HT-29) (28–32). For
glypicans, there are reports of transfected mammalian cells in the literature (33).
Second, the binding of lipoproteins to HSPGs in vivo is facilitated by bridging mol-
ecules, such as lipoprotein lipase (LpL), apoE, defensins, and hepatic lipase, each of
which has a hydrophobic face that adheres to the lipoprotein surface and a cationic face
that binds HS. Thus, studies in vitro typically involve examination of cellular catabo-
lism of lipoproteins in the absence and in the presence of one of these molecules, and
the arithmetic increase in each of the catabolic parameters is calculated (27,32,34). We
have preferred to use LpL because, unlike apoE, it does not bind LDL receptors, and
unlike hepatic lipase, it is relatively easy to isolate in large quantities [see Subheading
3.2., adapted from references (35,36)]. Typically, we add 5 µg of
I-labeled lipoprotein
protein per milliliter of medium, without or with 5 µg LpL/mL. Alternatively, cells that
naturally secrete these bridging molecules (37) or cells transfected to express them [e.g.,
(38,39)] can be used. The role of HSPGs in the increased catabolism upon addition of
LpL is verified by heparitinase digestion of the cells, which typically abolishes ~90% of
LpL-dependent catabolism (27,34,37,40,41); by the use of HS-negative CHO mutants
(34,40,42,42a); by addition of very low concentrations of heparin (<100 µg/mL) that are
insufficient to interfere with LDL receptor binding but are able to displace surface-bound
LpL and other bridging molecules (34,42a); or by pre-incubation of cells in chlorate to
block sulfation of glycosaminoglycan side chains (43–45). Heparitinase digestion usu-
ally involves preincubation of cells in serum-free medium at 37°C for several hours to
allow the cells to clear surface-bound serum-derived molecules, then an initial digestion
with heparitinase for 60–90 min at 37°C before addition of ligand, and finally an incuba-
tion of cells with ligand, but in the continuous presence of heparitinase, to avoid
rapid regeneration of side chains (34). Apoproteins normally found on LDL, VLDL,
and β-VLDL include apoB and apoE, both of which bind HS, although lipoprotein con-
centrations around 100 µg/mL are usually required before this binding becomes a sig-
nificant contributor to total cellular catabolism in the absence of added bridging
molecules (15,45). These higher concentrations may be physiological, and LDL recep-
tor-independent clearance of lipoproteins is substantial in vivo (16,17). Interestingly,
two common, naturally occurring polymorphisms of apoE, one of which has been asso-
ciated with Alzheimer’s diease (46), show substantial differences in their catabolism by
cells through a pathway mediated by HSPGs (47), particularly syndecan HSPGs (48).
Third, careful attention must be paid to catabolic contributions by members of the
LDL receptor family. These contributions take the form of direct internalization, which
appears simply as background in measurements of lipoprotein catabolism in the
absence of LpL, and synergistic interactions, in which cell-surface HSPGs and LDL