ICOLD Bulletin **:
The Specification and Quality Control of Concrete for Dams
Revision 7.0 A3-2 March 2006
5. Requirements for internal cooling systems
Outline specification for the chilled water plant or plants where these are required.
Typically more than one plant is required to provided redundancy and continuity of
operation in the event of a breakdown.
Use of naturally cold river water for cooling
Mean concrete temperatures required at time of grouting joints in arch dams
Allowable rates of temperature drop during cooling
Requirements for cooling stages (prevention of thermal shock)
Characteristics of cooling pipes and supply pipes
Testing of cooling pipes and system
Chilled water circulation systems and controls
Temperatures and rates of flow of cooling water with durations of flows including
Temperature monitoring requirements and other requirements for instrumentation and
Methods of estimating cooling requirements in response to changing construction and
environmental conditions
Requirements to close all galleries, air vents and similar large openings to prevent
premature and uncontrolled cooling
Additional cooling measures to be taken where a cast block has cooled excessively
before being covered by new concrete. If the top surface of such a block would
provide restraint to concrete placed on top of it and would increase its tendency to
As an alternative to the above, artificial heating of the excessively cooled top surface
has been specified.
6. Curing and protection requirements
Requirements for moist curing
Requirements for shading
Provision of insulation of forms and unformed surfaces, particularly lift joints, in cold
weather conditions.
Provision of water misters to lower temperatures and prevent drying out while
finishing and curing unformed surfaces, such as spillway floors, and RCC lift
Provision of plastic sheeting, wind breaks and shading to prevent premature drying of
unformed surfaces during finishing operations
Normally, curing compounds (membranes) will be prohibited from most areas of
mass concrete
Avoidance of thermal shock when forms are removed by limiting the rate of
temperature drop of the concrete surface
Avoidance of quick drying at the end of the curing period