102 Chapter 4
the three-month rate increases by 0.21 basis points, the six-month rate
increases by 0.26 basis points, and so on. The second factor is shown in
the column labeled PC2. It corresponds to a "twist" or change of slope of
the yield curve. Rates between three months and two years move in one
direction; rates between three years and 30 years move in the other
direction. The third factor corresponds to a "bowing" of the yield curve.
Rates at the short end and long end of the yield curve move in one
direction; rates in the middle move in the other direction. The interest rate
move for a particular factor is known as factor loading. In our example,
the first factor's loading for the three-month rate is 0.21.
As there are ten rates and ten factors, the interest rate changes observed
on any given day can always be expressed as a linear sum of the factors by
solving a set of ten simultaneous equations. The quantity of a particular
factor in the interest rate changes on a particular day is known as the
factor score for that day.
The importance of a factor is measured by the standard deviation of its
factor score. The standard deviations of the factor scores in our example
are shown in Table 4.10 and the factors are listed in order of their
importance. The numbers in Table 4.10 are measured in basis points. A
quantity of the first factor equal to one standard deviation, therefore,
corresponds to the three-month rate moving by 0.21 x 17.49 = 3.67 basis
points, the six-month rate moving by 0.26 x 17.49 = 4.55 basis points,
and so on.
The technical details of how the factors are determined are not covered
here. It is sufficient for us to note that the factors are chosen so that the
factor scores are uncorrelated. For instance, in our example, the first
factor score (amount of parallel shift) is uncorrelated with the second
factor score (amount of twist) across the 1,543 days. The variances of the
factor scores (i.e., the squares of the standard deviations) have the
property that they add up to the total variance of the data. From
Table 4.10, the total variance of the original data (i.e., sum of the
variance of the observations on the three-month rate, the variance of
the observations on the six-month rate, and so on) is
+ 6.05
+ 3.10
+ ... + 0.79
= 367.9
From this, it can be seen that the first factor accounts for
/367.9 = 83.1% of the variance in the original data; the first two
factors account for (17.49
+ 6.05
)/367.9 = 93.1% of the variance in the
The factor loadings have the property that the sum of their squares for each factor is 1.0.