Chapter 4
be considered for the segment of the zero curve between 2.0 and 3.0 years
in Figure 4.3. Again, the sum of the deltas for all the segments equals
the DV01.
Calculating Deltas to Facilitate Hedging
One of the problems with the delta measures that we have considered so
far is that they are not designed to make hedging easy. Consider the deltas
in Table 4.8. If we plan to hedge our portfolio with zero-coupon bonds,
we can calculate the position in a one-year zero-coupon bond to zero out
the $200 per basis point exposure to the one-year rate, the position in a
two-year zero-coupon bond to zero out the exposure to the two-year rate,
and so on. But, if other instruments are used, a much more complicated
analysis is necessary.
In practice, traders tend to use positions in the instruments that have
been used to construct the zero curve to hedge their exposure. For
example, a government bond trader is likely to take positions in the
actively traded government bonds that were used to construct the Treas-
ury zero curve when hedging. A trader of instruments dependent on the
LIBOR/swap yield curve is likely to take positions in LIBOR deposits,
Eurodollar futures, and swaps when hedging.
To facilitate hedging, traders therefore often calculate the impact of
small changes in the quotes for each of the instruments used to construct
the zero curve. Consider a trader responsible for interest rate caps and
swap options. Suppose that the trader's exposure to a one-basis-point
change in a Eurodollar futures quote is $500. Each Eurodollar futures
contract changes in value by $25 for a one-basis-point change in the
Eurodollar futures quote. It follows that the trader's exposure can be
hedged with 20 contracts. Suppose that the exposure to a one-basis-point
change in the five-year swap rate is $4,000 and that a five-year swap with a
notional principal of $ 1 million changes in value by $400 for a one-basis-
point change in the five-year swap rate. The exposure can be hedged by
trading swaps with a notional principal of $10 million.
The approaches we have just outlined can lead to analysts calculating
10 to 15 different deltas for every zero curve. This seems like overkill
because the variables being considered are quite highly correlated with
each other. For example, when the yield on a five-year bond moves up by