to be positive. These include agents such as /3-naphthylamine, cigarette smoke
condensates, aflatoxin B and vinylchloride, as well as drugs used in cancer treatment
such as adriamycin, daunomycin and mitomycin C. Whilst the test is not perfect for the
prediction of mammalian carcinogenicity or mutagenicity and for making definitive
conclusions about potential toxicity or lack of toxicity in humans, it nevertheless
represents a significant advance providing useful information rapidly and cheaply. The
Ames test forms an important part of a battery of tests, the others of which are non-
microbial in nature, for detecting mutagenicity or carcinogenicity.
4.5 Use of microbial enzymes in sterility testing
Sterile pharmaceutical preparations must be tested for the presence of fungal and
bacterial contamination before use (see Chapters 18 and 23). If the preparation contains
an antibiotic, it must be removed or inactivated. Membrane filtration is the usual
recommended method. However, this technique has certain disadvantages. Accidental
contamination is a problem, as is the retention of the antibiotic on the filter and its
subsequent liberation into the nutrient medium.
Enzymic inactivation of the antibiotic (see also Chapter 9) prior to testing would
provide an elegant solution to this problem. Currently, the only pharmacopoeial method
permitted is that of using an appropriate /^-lactamase to inactivate penicillins and
cephalosporins. Other antibiotics which are susceptible to inactivating enzymes are
chloramphenicol (by chloramphenicol acetyltransferase) and the aminoglycosides, e.g.
gentamicin, which can be inactivated by phosphorylation, acetylation or adenylylation.
A method for acetylating and consequently inactivating aminoglycosides prior to testing
and using 3 -N- acetyl transferase (an enzyme with wide substrate specificity) in
combination with acetyl coenzyme A has been described, but this method has yet to be
4.6 Immobilized enzyme technology
The therapeutic uses of microbially derived enzymes have already been examined
(section 2.4). However, enzymes also form the basis of many diagnostic tests used in
clinical medicine. For example, glucose oxidase, an enzyme used in blood glucose
analysis, is obtained commercially from Aspergillus niger. Future development and
improvement of such diagnostic tests is likely to involve the immobilization of enzymes
in enzyme electrodes. Several types of glucose oxidase electrodes have been developed,
although none is yet in clinical use. One basic system employs glucose oxidase layered
over a platinum electrode. As the reaction proceeds and oxygen is consumed, i.e. glucose
+ oxygen —> gluconic acid + hydrogen peroxide, the reduction in oxygen levels is
detected by the underlying electrode. However, problems of enzyme inactivation in
vivo, competition between glucose and oxygen in body fluids and calibration have
prevented the adoption of this system as an implantable glucose monitor in diabetic
patients. However, there are currently a number of major research efforts in this area
and it is likely that biosensors employing immobilized enzymes which are potentially
useful for monitoring many substances of clinical importance will become readily
available in the not-too-distant future.
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