58 Flow and fracture of a crystalline material
Ice that forms from compaction of snow, perhaps with some addition
of percolating meltwater, usually consists of crystals that are 2–4 mm
in diameter (Figure 4.12a). Through a series of processes that we will
refer to, collectively, as dynamic recrystallization, the texture and fabric
of this ice are altered during deformation. Dynamic recrystallization,
or simply recrystallization, is a consequence of the high local internal
stresses mentioned above, and the resulting widely differing internal
energies in adjacent grains.
One or more of three processes may be involved in recrystallization.
In order of increasing energy difference between adjacent grains, these
are grain growth, polygonization, and nucleation of new grains (Duval
and Castelnau, 1995). (Note that the terminology for these processes
differs among authors.) Grain growth results from relatively slow migra-
tion of grain boundaries. This migration is driven by the decrease in free
energy that accompanies the reduction in total area of grain boundaries
(Montagnat and Duval, 2000). Typical rates range from ∼10
mm a
at −30
C and 1 kPa (local driving stress) to ∼10 mm a
at −10
C and
300 kPa (Duval et al., 1983). The migration is driven by the curvature
of the grain boundaries. Higher pressures occur on the concave sides of
such boundaries, which is commonly the side of the smaller grain, and
molecules tend to move from the high-pressure side to the low-pressure
side of the boundary (Alley, 1992). Thus, smaller crystals disappear. The
result is a characteristic texture with equant crystals of relatively uniform
size (Figure 4.12b). Because temperatures in the accumulation zones of
polar ice sheets are relatively constant to depths of a few hundred meters
(see Figure 6.6a), grain boundary migration occurs at relatively constant
rates and grain size thus increases nearly linearly with depth. At greater
depths, grain size becomes approximately constant because polygoniza-
tion, which decreases grain size, balances grain growth (Alley et al.,
Polygonization (also called rotation recrystallization)involves the
alignment of dislocations to form a new grain boundary within a bent
crystal. The crystal is thus divided into two grains with nearly the same
orientation (Figure 4.12c,arrows). Under relatively high strain rates,
polygonization begins at strains of ∼1% (Duval and Castelnau, 1995),
but at the much lower strain rates found in the central regions of conti-
nental ice sheets, cumulative strains can approach 100% without causing
polygonization (Alley, 1992). Thus, polygonization occurs at relatively
shallow depths in temperate glaciers, but is normally found only at depths
greater than a few hundred meters in polar ice sheets.
Nucleation of new grains entails the appearance of small grains
that are oriented for easy glide, with their basal planes parallel to the
maximum resolved shear stress. When they first appear, such grains