NAR ree Early Assize Rolls for the County of
Northumberland, ed. W. Page (SS, 1891)
NCH A History of Northumberland
(Northumberland County History
Committee, Newcastle, 1893–1940)
NCS Northumberland Collections Service,
Woodhorn (formerly Northumberland
Record O ce, Gosforth)
NDD Northumberland and Durham Deeds from
the Dodsworth MSS., ed. A. M. Oliver
(NRC, 1929)
NER e Northumberland Eyre Roll for 1293,
ed. C. M. Fraser (SS, 2007)
Neville, Violence C. J. Neville, Violence, Custom and Law:
e Anglo- Scottish Border Lands in the
Later Middle Ages (Edinburgh, 1998)
Newcastle Deeds Early Deeds relating to Newcastle upon
Tyne, ed. A. M. Oliver (SS, 1924)
Newminster Cart. Chartularium Abbathiae de Novo
Monasterio, ed. J. T. Fowler (SS, 1878)
NH Northern History
NLS e Northumberland Lay Subsidy Roll
of 1296, ed. C. M. Fraser (Society of
Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Northern Pets Northern Petitions Illustrative of Life in
Berwick, Cumbria and Durham in the
Fourteenth Century, ed. C. M. Fraser (SS,
Northumb. Fines, i Feet of Fines, Northumberland and
Durham, ed. A. M. Oliver and C. Johnson
(NRC, 1931)
Northumb. Fines, ii Feet of Fines, Northumberland, A.D.
1273–A.D. 1346, ed. C. Johnson (NRC,
Northumb. PDBR Northumbrian Pleas from De Banco Rolls
[1272–80], ed. A. H. ompson (SS, 1950)
Northumb. Pets Ancient Petitions relating to
Northumberland, ed. C. M. Fraser (SS,
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