Tosson (N), John, 386, 395
Tothby (Lincolnshire), Gilbert, 155
Tours, omas, 61
Tra ord (D), 78, 114
Travers, John, 101
Traynes, family of, of Stainton (D) and Streatlam
(D), 105n, 113, 115
Sir John, 113
Trew, Sir Aimery, 29, 102
Trewhitt (N), 407–8
Triermain (C) see Vaux
Trim (Ireland), liberty of, 414, 428
Tritlington (N), 214, 389
Troughend (R), 359, 373, 381, 392
tower-house at, 383
see also Butticumbe
Troughend, omas, 386
Tudhoe (D), 24, 157, 335n
Tunstall (D), near Hartlepool, 24, 47, 79, 147
Turpin, family of, 411
Nicholas, 408
Tursdale (D), Peter and Agnes, 168
Tweeddale, 235n, 253, 301
Tweedmouth (N), 404
Twizel (N), William, 65
Tyndale, family of, of Corbridge (N), Dilston (N)
and Kirkhaugh (T), 257, 258n, 260, 262, 266,
269, 274, 297, 310, 334, 336, 338, 346, 349n,
Adam ( . 1309), 265, 265n
Andrew (d. 1378), 310, 316
John ( . 1370), 316, 347n
omas (d. by 1317), 262
Walter (d. 1378), 351; his wife Isabel, 351–2
William I (d. by 1275), 257, 270
William II (d. by 1311), 262, 272, 274, 280n,
286, 290
Sir William III (d. 1373), 337–8, 338n, 343
William, (another), 316
Tyne, River, 41n, 42, 45, 71, 104, 180
bridge (at Newcastle), 54, 56
disputes concerning, 52–7, 62
see also DURHAM; Newcastle; North Tyne;
South Tyne
TYNEDALE, liberty of, 9–12, 24, 78, 136–7,
156, 172–3, 176n, 195, 202, 227, 359, 368,
372, 384n, 385, 390, 394, 396, 398, 402, 413,
administrative and judicial privileges of (in
thirteenth century), 235–7, 237n, 255, 257n,
assessments of its socio-political signi cance
(to 1286), 234, 241, 243–5, 249–50, 253–8,
260–70, 273–4, 306; (from 1286), 288–90,
292–4, 296–8, 300–10, 314, 316–19, 321–6,
333–55, 425–6, 430
baili s of, 236, 240, 242n, 243, 243n, 244,
255–6, 270–1, 282, 285, 289, 291, 298, 313,
313n, 315–16, 324n, 330, 431; (named), 263,
270–2, 273n, 282, 282n, 289, 301n, 307,
316–17, 320, 332, 335, 335n, 339–40, 349,
351, 426
boroughs of see Haltwhistle; Newbrough
boundaries and topography of, 232–4, 237–8,
chancellors of, 291, 312, 314–15; (named),
339–40, 351
chancery of, 242–3, 340, 347
‘community’ in (to 1286), 275–87, 429; (from
1286), 291–2, 301–2, 314, 323–4, 330–1,
347–50, 354–5, 429
comparisons with Durham, 231–2, 235–6,
240–4, 248, 270–2, 291, 302, 311–12, 315,
317, 421–2, 424–6, 428
coroners of, 236, 271, 279, 282, 316; (named),
267, 272
court of, 235–6, 239, 241, 243, 243n, 244, 258,
260, 266n, 270, 272–4, 276, 281, 299, 313–14,
319, 330, 345, 347, 352, 417, 429; see also
eyres (below)
drengage service and drengs in, 246, 255, 266n
extent of lawlessness of, 283–6, 329–31
external perceptions of, 245, 287, 327–30, 332,
eyres in, 236, 240–2, 243n, 254–6, 260, 262n,
263, 267, 271n, 274–5, 281–9, 414, 426
nancial value of, 242, 242n, 311n
forest in, 236, 264, 264n, 272, 307, 341
forest o cials in, (named), 272, 272n
forfeitures in, 236, 288, 290–1, 294, 296, 298–9
impact of Scottish attacks on, 300, 320–6, 330,
institutional status of (to 1286), 236–7, 243–5,
276–8, 280–1, 287, 414; (from 1286), 288,
291, 294, 298, 301, 301n, 302, 312–13, 313n,
327–31, 341–2, 347, 354–5, 417, 419,
jury service in, 241, 271n, 274, 274n, 275n, 282,
284n, 342, 347, 347n, 348, 349n
justices of, 236, 240, 243n, 270, 281, 291, 299,
314–15, 317; (named), 242, 287–8, 288n, 289,
314, 339, 342, 345, 349
keeper of the seal for, (named), 339, 352n
keepers of, 298, 301; (named), 288, 295, 301n,
lay-religious interactions in, 246–8, 308–9
marchland characteristics of (in fourteenth
century), 198, 203, 292–3, 322, 332–3, 347,
military service, by tenants of, 291, 294, 300–4,
nature of law and justice in (to 1286), 241–2,
280–1, 283–7; (in fourteenth century), 310,
313–15, 317, 319, 330–1, 351–2
nature of lordship in (as exercised by Scots
kings), 235–7, 241–5, 248, 252–7, 275, 413,
421–2, 429; (in fourteenth century), 292, 297,
300, 310, 313–21, 331–2, 334–5, 352, 354,
413, 422–4
o ce-holding in, and its rewards, 270–3, 276,
316–17, 335, 339–40; and its abuses, 317,
340–2, 352
patronage in (as exercised by Scots kings), 236,
247–9, 255–6, 263–4
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