Whit eld (T), 246–8, 253, 258n, 280, 283n, 285,
330, 346
chantry at, 351n
church of, 234, 280
rectors of, (named), 265, 278, 280–1, 351n
Whit eld, family of, 246, 248, 253, 255–6, 268–9,
269n, 274, 278, 297, 334, 338, 340n, 346, 350
Beatrice ( . 1270s), 280
John ( . c. 1230), 269
Matthew ( . 1280), 184, 255, 269, 272, 274n,
275n, 282, 285
Sir Matthew ( . 1386), 346n, 347n, 350–1, 351n
Nicholas (d. 1291), 265, 265n, 272–3, 285; his
sister Mary, 260n
Robert ( . 1275), 267n, 278, 280
Robert ( . 1339), 351n
Whitley (Te), alias Whitley Bay, 216, 218–19
Whitley, family of, 217–18
Gilbert, 223
Henry, 218
John, 218–19, 221, 223
Ralph, 218
see also Daudre
Whitley Common (T), 247, 258
Whitparish, Richard, 132
Whitrigg (C), 350
Whittingham (N), 290
Whittonstall (N), 188, 201, 333n, 335n; see also
Whitwell, omas, 280, 280n
Whitworth (D), Sir omas, 123, 130, 155n
Whitwyn, John, 150
Whorlton (D), 102, 114
Widdrington (N), 344
Widdrington, family of, 297, 334–6, 338, 340,
343–7, 381–2, 388n, 389
Sir Gerard (d. 1362), 215, 303–4, 313n, 320,
338, 340, 342, 345, 350, 352, 395
Sir John ( . 1284), 213–14, 384–5
Sir John (d. 1444), 308n, 346n
Roger (d. 1372), 198–9, 304–5, 338, 341–3,
343n, 345, 348n, 349–50, 350n
see also Table 2
Widindon, Sir William, 184n, 185
William I, king of England (1066–87), 35, 39, 45,
William I, king of Scots (1165–1214), 241n, 244n,
256, 266n
as lord of Tynedale, 231, 248–9
William, prior of Hexham (c. 1209–26), 182
William son of Ralph, (two persons), 158n, 384
Williamston (T), 259, 264, 270, 346, 356
Williamston, family of, 346, 349n
Willimontswick (T), 272
Willington (D), 88
Wily, John, 276
Winchester, John, 101
Windlestone (D), 326
Windsor (Berkshire), college of St George at, 309,
321, 333
Winston (D), 24, 113
Wishart, Sir John, 290n
Wiston (Su olk), 306, 358
Witton-le-Wear (D), 22, 149, 151
Wolsingham (D), 101, 151
Wolviston (D), 156
Woodburn (N), 344
Woodburn (R), 359, 381, 381n, 382, 389, 392, 395;
see also Lisle
Woodburn, family of, 395
John, 392
omas, 389, 389n
Woodmancote (Gloucestershire), 306, 358
Woodstock, Edmund, earl of Kent (1321–30),
Woodstone (D), 42
Wooler (N), barony of, 251n
Wooler, David, 309
Woolmet (Midlothian), rector of, (named), 249n
Woolsington (Te), 220
Wray, Richard, 255, 255n; his son Richard, 289
Wulveseye, Robert, 351n
Wybers, family of, of Summerhouse (D), 113
Sir Robert, 115
William, 115
Wydon (N), 266
Wynyard (D), 104
Yeland, family of, of Seaham (D), 24, 131
John, 130, 152
Sir Richard, 118
Yeland, Robert, (two persons?), in Tynedale, 333,
Yetholm (Roxburghshire), 306
Yetholm, Nicholas, of Colwell (N), 190
York, archbishops of, 111
as royal servants, 201
forfeitures by, 201–2
households of, 183–5
mint of, 67n
o cers of, 127
see also individual archbishops, especially Gray;
Green eld; Melton; Neville; Zouche
York, city of, 49, 150
York, St Mary’s Abbey, 48
York Minster, 33
Youlton (Y) see Ros
Younger, John, 325–6
Zouche, Roger, 187, 191
Zouche, William, archbishop of York (1342–52),
178, 186–7, 191–2, 201
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