and is computed, as in the VMC method, with respect to the trial wave function.
We can give the following interpretation to Eq. (19.10). The right hand side of the impor-
tance sampled DMC equation consists, from left to right, of diffusion, drift and rate terms. The
problematic potential dependent rate term of the non-importance sampled method is replaced by
a term dependent on the difference between the local energy of the guiding wave function and the
trial energy. The trial energy is initially chosen to be the VMC energy of the trial wave function,
and is updated as the simulation progresses. Use of an optimised trial function minimises the
difference between the local and trial energies, and hence minimises fluctuations in the distribu-
. A wave function optimised using VMC is ideal for this purpose, and in practice VMC
provides the best method for obtaining wave functions that accurately approximate ground state
wave functions locally. The trial wave function may be also constructed to minimise the number
of divergences in , unlike the non-importance sampled method where divergences in the coulomb
interactions are always present.
To be of use however, the importance sampled DMC method of Eq. (19.10) must be trans-
formed into a form suitable for Monte Carlo integration. The transformation is more complex
than for VMC, which simply required the insertion of the factor
into the conventional formulas for quantum mechanical expectation values.
A Green’s function
that is a solution of Eq. (19.10) is desired, i.e., a spatial
representation of the imaginary time propagator,
. One can show that the Green’s
function of the diffusion equation, by factorising the propagator into branching and diffusion
parts, can be written as
19.2 Other Quantum Monte Carlo techniques and systems
In our discussion, the emphasis has been on variational methods, since they are rather intuitive
and one can simulate physical systems with rather simple trial wave functions. We have also not
dealt with problems arising in many-fermion systems, where both the sign of the wave function
in the diffusion Monte Carlo is crucial and the evaluation of the Slater determinant is computa-
tionally involved. Furthermore, techniques to improve the variance have also not been discussed.
We defer these topics, together with a discussion of other Monte Carlo methods such as Green’s
function Monte Carlo, path integral Monte Carlo and Lattice methods to a more advanced course
on computational Physics.