The second term on the rhs disappears since this is just the mean and employing the definition of
we have
resulting in
and in the limit we obtain
which is the normal distribution with variance
, where is the variance of the PDF
and is also the mean of the PDF .
Thus, the central limit theorem states that the PDF
of the average of random values
corresponding to a PDF is a normal distribution whose mean is the mean value of the PDF
and whose variance is the variance of the PDF divided by , the number of values
used to compute
The theorem is satisfied by a large class of PDFs. Note however that for a finite
, it is not
always possible to find a closed expression for .
9.5 Improved Monte Carlo integration
In section 5.1 we presented a simple brute force approach to integration with the Monte Carlo
method. There we sampled over a given number of points distributed uniformly in the interval
with the weights .
Here we introduce two important topics which in most cases improve upon the above simple
brute force approach with the uniform distribution
for . With improvements
we think of a smaller variance and the need for fewer Monte Carlo samples, although each new
Monte Carlo sample will most likely be more times consuming than corresponding ones of the
brute force method.
The first topic deals with change of variables, and is linked to the cumulativefunction
of a PDF . Obviously, not all integration limits go from to , rather, in
physics we are often confronted with integration domains like
etc. Since all random number generators give numbers in the interval , we need a
mapping from this integration interval to the explicit one under consideration.