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p =1: in this case, given the nonnegativity of variables y, z, constraints (18.9b)–
(18.9c) reduce to linear inequalities
ξ ≥e
This particular case has been considered in [5]; in general, the amenability of the
1-norm, also known as the “Manhattan distance”, etc., to implementation via lin-
ear constraints has been exploited in a of variety approaches and applications, too
numerous to cite here.
p =∞: in this case x
= max
|, whereby the conic constraints (18.9b)–
(18.9c) reduce to a system of m +k inequalities
eξ ≥y, eη ≥z
Due to the linearity of the above constraints, we do not pursue this case further, as
our main interest is in models with “true” (or nonlinear) p-cone constraints.
p ∈ (1, ∞): this is the “general” case that constitutes the focus of the present
endeavor. In addition to the data mining application described above, the general
p-order conic programming has been considered in the context of Steiner minimum
tree problem on a given topology [19], stochastic programming and risk optimiza-
tion [8, 9]; an application of p-order conic programming to integer programming
problems is discussed in [6].
Of particular importance is the case p =2, when the constraints (18.9b)–(18.9c)
represent second-order (quadratic, “ice cream”, or Lorentz) cones,
ξ ≥y
η ≥z
The second-order conic programming (SOCP), which deals with optimization prob-
lems that contain constraints of form (18.17), constitutes a well-developed subject
of convex programming. A number of efficient SOCP algorithms have been devel-
oped in the literature (e.g., [12, 13], and others, see an overview in [1]), and some
of them were implemented into software solver codes such as MOSEK, SeDuMi
[2, 15].
From the computational standpoint, the case of general p, when the cone is not
self-dual, has received much less attention in the literature compared to the conic
quadratic programming. Interior-point approaches to p-order conic programming
have been considered by Xue and Ye [19] with respect to minimization of sum of
p-norms; a self-concordant barrier for p-cone has also been introduced in [10].
Glineur and Terlaky [7] proposed an interior point algorithm along with the cor-
responding barrier functions for a related problem of l
-norm optimization (see
also [17]). In the case when p is a rational number, the existing primal-dual methods
of SOCP can be employed for solving p-order conic optimization problems using a
reduction of p-order conic constraints to a system of linear and second-order conic
constraints proposed in [11] and [3].