15 The Navigation Potential of Ground Feature Tracking 303
INS aiding action is determined by the degree of observability provided by the mea-
surement arrangement. The latter is strongly influenced by the nature of the available
measurements—in our case, bearing measurements of stationary ground objects—
the trajectory of the aircraft, and the length of the measurement interval. Whereas
observability guarantees that all the navigation state’s components are positively
affected by the external measurements, we are also interested in the possibility of
partial observability where not all the navigation state components’ estimates are
impacted by the external measurements. It is shown that when one known ground
object is tracked, the observability Grammian is rank deficient and thus full INS aid-
ing action is not available. However, if baro altitude is available and an additional
vertical gyroscope is used to provide an independent measurement of the aircraft’s
pitch angle, a data driven estimate of the complete navigation state can be obtained.
If two ground features are simultaneously tracked the observability Grammian is full
rank and all the components of the navigation state vector are positively impacted
by the external measurements.
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