320 D.B.M.M. Fontes and F.A.C.C. Fontes
proposed here should be seen as a component of a framework for multiagent coor-
dination/cooperation, which must necessarily include other components such as a
trajectory control component.
The algorithm proposed is based on a dynamic programming approach that is
very efficient for small dimensional problems. As explained before, the original
problem is solved by combining, in an efficient way, the solution to some subprob-
lems. The method efficiency improves with the number of times the subproblems
are reused, which obviously increases with the number of feasible solutions. This
can be seen from the very small percentage of states use when compared with the
number of states represented or the number of potential feasible solutions.
Moreover, the proposed methodology is very flexible, in the sense that it easily
allows for the inclusion of additional problem features, e.g., imposing geometric
constraints on each agent or on the formation as a whole, deciding on the agents
velocity, among others.
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