334 N.R. Gans and J.W. Curtis
where (·)
represent the matrix square root.
Each of the 1000 random systems are tested for both the Kalman filter and
moving-horizon estimators. Histograms are generated of the results in Figs. 17.3
and 17.4. It can be seen that both bounds have some outliers that are very large,
though the second method of producing a bound is typically smaller. To best illus-
trate the tightness of the bound, we consider the ratio
. Any ratio less than one
indicates the bound was violated. Motivated by robust control applications, where
min/max performance is critical, we focus on the 100 smallest values of this ratio
from the distribution, representing the cases where the bound was closest to the true
value of e
. It is seen that both bounds are never violated by e
, and the second
bound is roughly an order of magnitude tighter, even for the minimum ratios.
17.5 Future Work
There are several avenues of future work. The bounds in this paper represent useful
measures to ensure robust performance, but for many cases the bounds are typically
much larger than the true errors, so some method to get a tighter, more accurate
bound is desirable. Another approach is to generate a stochastic bound, that is a
tighter bound with a known probability that the bound is not exceeded. Experiments
will also be performed to test the bound in real scenarios when the system is not
perfectly modeled.
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