286 X. Geng and D. Jeffcoat
Corollary 1 Consider a multi-agent system in which each agent has the same trans-
mission range, represented with a communication graph G(k). If G(k) is strongly
connected, the reduced graph
G(k) resulting from Algorithm 4 is also strongly con-
Proof The completely-connected bidirectional subgroups will be reduced to single
directional cycles, and the rest of the edges connecting these subgroups remain bidi-
rectional after reduction. Therefore,
G(k) is still strongly connected.
14.5 Conclusion
In this paper, we develop a distributed algorithm by which each agent selects its
information sources (i.e., transmitting agents) based on only the local information
of its neighbors. As a result, a reduced group graph is produced. In this graph, con-
nectivity is reduced which allows agents to respond or maneuver with less compu-
tational effort and higher maneuverability. One direction in the future work will be
to explore various applications with the aid of such reduced graphs. Other prob-
lems that need to be addressed in the future include more scenarios under which the
proposed algorithm preserves the reachability of the original network.
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