260 P. DeLima et al.
during a surveillance mission, vehicles that cooperate with other craft operating in
the surveillance mode can do so in a passive or active fashion. Passive cooperation
is possible with vehicles operating in other modes, as long as they have at least
one operational sensor covering a portion of the designated mission area. Active
cooperation requires that supporting vehicles alter their routes in order to realize
the benefits from expanded coverage of their sensors. Since different search areas
can be delegated to different vehicles, an interesting form of active collaborative
surveillance occurs when there exists a partial overlap between the search areas of
the two vehicles, and they must adjust their search routes accordingly in order to
cooperatively maximize collective coverage.
The second layer of the supervisor focuses on allocating tasks within the oper-
ational regime specified by the mode selection layer described above. Tasks within
a given mode share the same general goal, and specify the role taken by each indi-
vidual craft to achieve that goal. For instance, within the surveillance mode, asset
protection and persistent intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) are
two tasks that both share the common goal of searching an area for potential threats.
However, in order to achieve the ISR objectives, the ships can operate within a well-
defined, static area; on the other hand, protection of mobile assets requires that the
search area be altered in real-time in a quasi-unpredictable manner (i.e., escorting a
moving asset). Within the transit mode, one can find tasks such as dedicated transit,
in which the ASV focuses exclusively on minimizing its travel time to the desti-
nation, but note that even this mode permits the ASVs to pursue other secondary
goals, such as increasing the threat detection probability, by sharing the results of
area coverage obtained with their on-board sensors.
We developed specific task allocation algorithms for each mode. In some cases,
such as the surveillance mode, the task allocation is determined by the character-
istics of the mission and the various constraints provided by a human operator. In
other cases, such as the transit mode, the tasks determine different roles that can be
carried out simultaneously by multiple ASVs to achieve the common goal. In this
case, the allocation of individual duties is solely a result of the active negotiation
between the cooperating agents.
The third layer of the decentralized hierarchical supervisor is the trajectory gen-
erator, responsible for the generation of the navigation paths for the ASV, with the
implicit goal of maximizing the vessel’s performance on the current task. During
the persistent ISR task, the goal of the trajectory generator is to plot a route that
maximizes the cooperative coverage of an area, while during a transit task, the tra-
jectory generator may concern itself only with computing a sequence of waypoints
that guide the vehicle from its current position to its desired location along the short-
est, feasible path, i.e., without violating the traversable constrains (such as terrain)
of the given mission area.
The fourth and final layer in the supervisor architecture is the tracking controller.
Fundamentally different from the other three layers, this component is strongly plat-
form dependent, because its goal is to execute all the commands that are specific to
the vehicle’s actuators in order to advance it toward the trajectory assigned by the
third layer.