11 An Info-Centric Trajectory Planner for Unmanned Ground Vehicles 231
11.5 Conclusion
An information-oriented pseudospectral optimal control framework provides a nat-
ural approach for autonomous trajectory planning. Simulation results illustrate the
effects of varying levels of information and how more or less information influences
the performance of the planner. The simulations and discussions in this paper ex-
plain how the trajectory planning framework developed in [5] is an information cen-
tric planner that, with some exceptions, produces better results with more informa-
tion. Predicting obstacle and target positions using course and speed data produced
faster (with a few exceptions) and more reliable trajectories than using still snap-
shots of the environment. Having a priori knowledge of environmental conditions
will always produce the best results, however, providing such a level of information
is not always practical. In summary, when conducting trajectory planning, it is de-
sirable to include as much information in the optimal control problem formulation
as possible.
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