84 T.N. Dinh et al.
4.1 Introduction
Network modules, also known as community structures in social networks, are
usually defined as groups of nodes densely connected inside and sparser between
groups. Modules in networks usually correspond to groups of nodes with the same
function in networks. In the case of World Wide Web, for example, modules are
groups of pages with a same topic. In biological networks, modules may be groups
of proteins, genes with same functions. Studying network modules becomes very
active and crucial in different scientific communities with an emerging of very large
and complex networks such as phone call networks in sociology, metabolic, protein-
protein-interaction, and gene-regulatory networks in biology, citation networks and
the power grid networks in physics, and communication networks and World Wide
Web in the technology field. Studying network modules is well-motivated as it is an
essential tool to study and understand the complexity of many natural and artificial
systems. It reveals the relationship between nodes in a same module as well as the
relationship between modules in networks. It also helps understand the interplay be-
tween network topology and functionality. Knowing the behavior of modules with
respect to the movements of nodes and links in evolving networks can directly help
predict the interdependent responses of network components and help to improve
the robustness of networks. Knowing the evolutionary of the structure provides the
basics construction/design topology we need to achieve so that it will be less sensi-
tive to the changes of structures.
Although the study of identifying network modules has been investigated exten-
sively [1–14], including the dynamics and evolution of a network in the analysis of
inherent modules is a new task that has not yet been well investigated. The study
of such evolution requires computing modules of the network at different time in-
stances. In previous approaches, [15–17] network modules are first identified sepa-
rately at each time point and then modular structures at two consecutive time points
are compared to each other in order to highlight evolution changes. However, iden-
tifying network modules in each state of the network from scratch may result in
prohibitive computational costs, particularly in the case of highly dynamic and ex-
tremely large networks, such as the online social networks MySpace and Facebook
with more than hundred millions of nodes. In addition, it may be infeasible in the
case of limited topological data. Moreover, identifying network modules of each
snapshot independently may lead to substantial and unexpected variation, thus in-
troducing incorrect evolution phenomena.
To overcome the above limitations, we propose a graph-based approach using
modular structure found in previous steps as a guide to incrementally identify mod-
ules in the next step. Adaptively updating modules in evolving networks not only
avoids recomputing them from scratch for each time point but also produces consis-
tent modular structures over time. For further reducing the running time and com-
putational cost, we provide a compact network representation with much smaller
size such that the modular structure of compact networks is as same as that of the
original networks. The modular information is embedded in this compact represen-
tation to allow detection of modules at next time point and modules’ evolving at the