a considerable loss of efficiency since energy is used in its heating and evaporation.
The resulting syngas has a CO
content of about 10% compared with around 3% in
unquenched syngas generated from a conventional residue. Early formulations of
Orimulsion contained considerable quantities of magnesium, which could have
presented problems similar to those caused by calcium. The newest formulation,
Orimulsion 400, has a magnesium content of 6 mg/kg, which is sufficiently low to
avoid these.
When designing for or operating with Orimulsion, it is necessary to take specific
precautions (e.g., reduced preheat temperatures) to avoid the emulsion breaking. A
handbook of suitable handling guidelines can be obtained from the suppliers.
Orimulsion has been tested as a gasification feedstock in Texaco’s Montebello,
California, pilot facility in 1989 with apparent success. The producer of Orimulsion,
Bitumenes Orinoco S.A. (Bitor), claims to be able to supply the material at a price to
allow competitive production in a gasification plant but there is no recorded
commercial application at this time (2002).
Tar Sands Residues. Tar sands are deposits of heavy hydrocarbons located in a
sandstone matrix that are not amenable to conventional pumping technology. The
largest and most well-known deposits are in northern Alberta, Canada. Other
deposits exist (in approximate order of size) in Venezuela, the United States (Utah,
Texas, California, Kentucky), Russia (Olenek), Madagascar, and Albania, as well as
in other locations in Canada (Melville island). A typical analysis is included in
Table 4-10.
Tar sands represent a major hydrocarbon resource with an estimated 450 billion
barrels of recoverable reserves (Speight 1998, p. 117), but the difficulties and cost of
extraction have limited commercial exploitation. At present, there are only two
commercially operating plants, both in the Athabasca River basin of northern
Alberta. A number of pilot operations for the development of improved extraction
techniques exist, also mostly in this area, and a number of commercial projects are
currently under development (Parkinson 2002).
The processing of tar sands can be described in three principle steps:
1. Extraction, for which there are two fundamentally different approaches. One is to
mine the bitumen-laden sandstone and transport it to a central extraction plant,
where the sandstone and bitumen are separated by a hot-water extraction process
(HWEP). The commercial operations of Syncrude and Suncor are both based on
this method.
Alternative methods have been developed for in situ extraction and separation,
such as steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD). There are pilot plants in operation
that demonstrate the possibilities of this approach, and at least one current project
is based on it.
2. Primary conversion, for which conventional or modified coking, cracking, or
solvent de-asphalting processes are applied.
3. Secondary conversion, which is essentially a hydrotreating step.