jacket construction and, 188–189
membrane walls and, 187
process description, 120–122
quenching, 194
as single-stage dry-coal feed
gasifier, 113
Norsk hydro vanadium recovery process,
142, 143, 144–145
Oil gasification, 214
Lurgi’s multipurpose gasification process,
140–142, 143, 144
new developments, 142, 143, 144–146
partial oxidation of natural gas and,
process automation, 146
process safety, 146–147
reactor shell monitoring, 146–147
Shell gasification process, 133–139
Texaco gasification process, 129–133
Organic chemical waste, 78
Orimulsion, 63–64
Oxidant choice, 219–223
cold gas efficiency and, 219, 220
deductions, 223
equipment sizing and gas flow rate, 221
hot syngas use and, 220–221
parasitic power, 222
temperature and, 220
Oxo-alcohols, 53, 65
design considerations, 249,
251–252, 253
example, 252
market, 249
plant flowchart, 251
specifications, 249
Oxygen, 212–213
choice of oxidant and, 219, 220
future developments for, 296–297
pipelines, 297
pressurized production, 295
safety and, 349–351
storage of liquid form of, 288
supply, 293–298
Oxygen Claus processes, 319–321
Oxygen-blown gasifier, 16, 32,
221, 222
Palm oil residues (shells, fibers, and fruit
stems), 69
Parasitic power, 222
Particulate removal, 200–201, 280
Peak shaving fuels, 288
Petcoke. See Coke, petroleum
Phenosolvan extraction process, 92
Pipelines, 297
Plasma gasification, 162
Plug flow reactors (PFR), 36, 37
Pour point, 61
Power, 259–288
comparison with combustion, 260–267
efficiencies, 269–270
efficiencies of plant cycles, 261
energy storage, 287–288
flow schemes, 267–269, 272, 273
flue gas treatment, 287–286
fuel cells, 287
fuel gas expansion, 269
gas cycles and combined cycles, 265–267
humid air turbines cycle, 272
isothermal compression, 271–272
methanol, 288
options for improving Joule cycle, 270
peak shaving fuels, 288
quasi-adiabatic compression, 273–274
recuperator, 275, 276
state-of-the-art IGCC, 267–270
station efficiency and NO
control, 277
steam cycles, 262–263
supercritical cycles, 263–265
tophat cycle, 272–273, 275, 276–278
water cycle, 275, 276
Practical issues, 171–230
burners, 191–192
coal sizing and drying, 183–184
corrosion aspects, 223–225
effect of pressure, 171–173
oxidant, choice of, 219–223
particulate removal, 200–201
pressurization of coal, 173–183
process measurement, 201–208
reactor design, 184–191
synthesis gas cooling, 192–200
trace components of raw synthesis gas,