Despite the frequency with which these figures are quoted for different gasification
systems, care is required with their interpretation, since both only provide a limited
statement about the process efficiencies and gas quality. A process that produces a
gas with a relatively high methane content and therefore has a high cold gas
efficiency will be good in a power application, but it may not be the optimum choice
for a synthesis gas application, in which case the H
+CO yield will provide a better
guide to process selection.
IGCC Applications
The reason why it can be advantageous to gasify coal in power plants is twofold: for
efficiency reasons and environmental reasons.
The efficiency advantage is attributed to the fact that use can be made of the more
advanced combined cycle where gas is fired in a gas turbine (Brayton or Joule cycle)
and the hot gases leaving the turbine are used to raise steam for a conventional steam
(Rankine) cycle. The alternative is firing coal in a conventional steam plant using only
a Rankine cycle. The efficiency for gas firing in a state-of-the-art combined cycle is
about 58%, a figure that has to be multiplied with the gasification efficiency of, for
example, 80%, resulting in an overall efficiency of 46.4%, whereas the efficiency of
coal firing in a conventional state-of-the-art steam plant is about 45%. A simple
calculation shows that the CGE has to be above 78% in order to make gasification
attractive in terms of overall process efficiency. This is all that we will say at this point
as it is sufficient in the context of optimization. More will follow in Section 7.3.
The environmental advantage of gasification-based power stations has always
been used as an important argument in their favor based mainly on the fact that in
the past the sulfur compounds in the fuel gas could be removed with a higher
efficiency than from flue gases from conventional coal or heavy oil fired power
stations. Moreover, there was much optimism that high-temperature sulfur removal
would be possible, which would enhance the efficiency of the IGCC. As will be
explained in Section 7.3, there is a case to be made for reconsidering flue gas
treating for IGCC, as many more compounds have to be removed apart from sulfur.
Furthermore, the efficiency of flue gas desulphurization has improved considerably
over the last twenty years. However, one has to accept that environmental arguments
are a permanently moving target, since the recent discussion of CO
capture and
sequestration may provide a new advantage for fuel-gas treating. This is, however,
still dependent on politics.
For fuel gas applications the gasification temperature has to be as low as possible,
as this will result in the highest CGE (and in the lowest oxygen consumption). In
Figure 2-7 iso-CGE lines have been drawn that clearly illustrate this point, as the
isotherms run essentially parallel to the iso-CGE lines. Although fluxing may help
to enlarge the operating window for certain coals, as will be discussed in Section
5.3, the minimum temperature will always be determined by the reactivity of the
coal and the ash-melting characteristics in slagging gasifiers.
In general, temperatures of below 1400°C for low-rank coals and below 1500°C
for high-rank coals are impractical. As the data in Figure 2-7 show, the operation