Field Armies & Fortifications
in the Civil War
civil war america Gary W. Gallagher, editor
Field Armies & Fortifications
in the Civil War The Eastern
Campaigns, 18611864
Earl J. Hess
the university of north carolina press
Chapel Hill and London
The University of North Carolina Press
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hess, Earl J.
Field armies and fortifications in the Civil War : the
Eastern campaigns, 18611864 / by Earl J. Hess
p. cm. (Civil War America)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
isbn 0-8078-2931-5 (cloth : alk. paper)
1. United StatesHistoryCivil War, 18611865
Campaigns. 2. United States. Army of the Potomac
History. 3. Confederate States of America. Army of
Northern VirginiaHistory. 4. United States
DefensesHistory19th century. 5. Confederate States
of AmericaDefensesHistory. 6. Fortification, Field
History19th century. 7. FortificationEast (U.S.)
History19th century. 8. Historic sitesEast (U.S.)
9. East (U.S.)—History, Military19th century.
I. Title. II. Series.
e470.2.h47 2005
973.7%3dc22 2004022010
0908070605 54321
For Pratibha and Julie,
with love
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Preface xi
1 Engineering War 1
2 On to Richmond 28
3 Western Virginia and Eastern North Carolina 47
4 The Peninsula 67
5 From Seven Pines to the Seven Days 96
6 Second Manassas, Antietam, and the Maryland Campaign 130
7 Fredericksburg 154
8 Chancellorsville 174
9 Goldsborough, New Bern, Washington, and Suffolk 200
10 Gettysburg and Lee’s Pennsylvania Campaign 215
11 Charleston 241
12 The Reduction of Battery Wagner 259
13 From Bristoe Station to the Fall of Plymouth 289
Conclusion 308
Appendix 1: The Design and Construction of
Field Fortifications at Yorktown 315
Appendix 2: Preserving the Field Fortifications at Gettysburg 331
Glossary 333
Notes 341
Bibliography 393
Index 417
Confederate line, Manassas Junction 33
Hurdle revetment in Confederate fort, Manassas Junction 34
Artillery emplacement in Confederate fort, Manassas Junction 35
Confederate works, Centreville 36
Fort Totten, defenses of Washington 38
Magazine of Fort Totten, defenses of Washington 39
Fort Slemmer, defenses of Washington 40
Remnants of Confederate Camp Bartow, West Virginia 55
Remnants of Confederate defenses at Camp Alleghany, West Virginia 56
Confederate fort, Centreville 68
Quaker guns at Centreville 70
Federal Battery No. 1, Yorktown 75
Confederate artillery emplacement, Yorktown 82
Approach to Grapevine Bridge, Chickahominy River 103
Federal Fort Sumner, Fair Oaks 106
Federal artillery position at Fair Oaks 107
Federal engineers corduroying a road, Peninsula campaign 108
Federal works at the battle of Mechanicsville 121
Railroad cut at Second Manassas 135
Loudoun Heights and Maryland Heights, Harpers Ferry 141
Sunken road, Antietam 148
Remnants of Confederate artillery emplacements at Prospect Hill,
Fredericksburg 160
The stone wall, Fredericksburg 162
Modern view of the stone wall, Fredericksburg 164
Federal artillery emplacements at Fairview, Chancellorsville 184
View from Hazel Grove to Fairview, Chancellorsville 186
Federal artillery emplacements opposite Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville
campaign 187
The stone wall at Marye’s Hill, Chancellorsville campaign 188
Federal fieldworks on Culp’s Hill, Gettysburg 226
Rock breastworks on Little Round Top, Gettysburg 230
Confederate breastworks on Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg 232
Federal bombproof, Morris Island 265
Federal splinterproof, Morris Island 266
Federal Battery Rosecrans, Morris Island 268
Federal Battery Stevens, Morris Island 269
The Swamp Angel 271
Burst Parrott rifle, Morris Island 272
Bombproof in Battery Wagner 274
Federal engineers demonstrating how to sap, Morris Island 277
Federal Fort Putnam, Morris Island 284
Federal Battery No. 4, Yorktown 317
Remnants of Confederate fort, Gloucester Point, Yorktown campaign 322
Confederate Dam No. 1, Garrow’s Point, Yorktown 326
Remnants of Confederate one-gun emplacement, Dam No. 1, Yorktown 327
Remnants of Confederate four-gun emplacement, Dam No. 1, Yorktown 328