Modern view of the stone wall, Fredericksburg 164
Federal artillery emplacements at Fairview, Chancellorsville 184
View from Hazel Grove to Fairview, Chancellorsville 186
Federal artillery emplacements opposite Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville
campaign 187
The stone wall at Marye’s Hill, Chancellorsville campaign 188
Federal fieldworks on Culp’s Hill, Gettysburg 226
Rock breastworks on Little Round Top, Gettysburg 230
Confederate breastworks on Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg 232
Federal bombproof, Morris Island 265
Federal splinterproof, Morris Island 266
Federal Battery Rosecrans, Morris Island 268
Federal Battery Stevens, Morris Island 269
The Swamp Angel 271
Burst Parrott rifle, Morris Island 272
Bombproof in Battery Wagner 274
Federal engineers demonstrating how to sap, Morris Island 277
Federal Fort Putnam, Morris Island 284
Federal Battery No. 4, Yorktown 317
Remnants of Confederate fort, Gloucester Point, Yorktown campaign 322
Confederate Dam No. 1, Garrow’s Point, Yorktown 326
Remnants of Confederate one-gun emplacement, Dam No. 1, Yorktown 327
Remnants of Confederate four-gun emplacement, Dam No. 1, Yorktown 328