Guidelines for design of SMALL HYDROPOWER PLANTS
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• the characteristics of the pipe system to be protected, especially the pipe
factor Fp = fL/D as was already explained; in fact, the relative pipe
headloss can adversely modify the system behaviour and the same valve
closure time can induce a slow or a rapid flow change according to Fp
• the intrinsic characteristics of the valve; a butterfly valve (for medium
heads) and a spherical valve (for high heads) have different effects on the
flow for the same closure law;
• the type of valve actuator.
Most of the fast closing hydroplant safety valves close under an external arm
action with a weight that is liberated by a mechanism as soon as the flow
velocity at a nearby pipe section exceeds a pre-fixed value. Under the weight
action the valve will tend to close very fast. A hydraulic damper will slow the
movement in the closing final phase. A valve closure law with two speeds is
obtained that can be considered as a bi-linear closure law with two fundamental
time parameters: the total time T
and the intermediate time, where the closing
gradient changes, T
For these types of valves this bi-linear closure law is also very adequate and
easy to model should the intrinsic valve characteristics or the valve discharge
equation as a function of the valve relative opening be known.
7.8- Integrated analysis and design
The integrated system response with the different components depends on the
disturbance type or excitation induced (Figure 7.21). The interaction of the
different components can induce potential accidents and, at limit, resonance
phenomena. As mentioned before, the type of turbines will strongly influence
the system response.
The hydraulic conveyance system behaviour will depend on several
components and interactions. In each case, especially in what concerns a small
hydroplant the design need to select the most important disturbance sources to
be considered. A small powerplant connected to the national grid can justify
not to consider most of the stability criteria applied to isolated electric grids. In
all cases the integrated analysis should not forget some special situations that
can be modelled with less components, as by example: