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9.2- Identification of impacts
Water quality - Water in natural rivers is never completely pure, varying,
considerably, in the range and in concentrations of dissolved substances present,
such as suspended particles, pH and temperature. Fast-flowing streams and
rivers, normally, have high oxygen levels absorbed from the atmosphere due to
natural turbulence. Still waters, such as reservoirs or forebays have highly
variable levels that may range from a minimum during groups’ operation to a
maximum during non-operation period. Can also occur stratification that in
upper layer is well oxygenated and, in the lower layer there is not contact with
the atmosphere being more tendency to suffer oxygen depletion.
Freshwater systems have temperature regimes that the aquatic life is adapted.
Changes in temperature can eventually promote oxygen consumption.
Nevertheless, in this type of systems, there is not significant change in water
Sedimentation – Dams will retain solid material transported by the river. The
reduction of solid flow for the downstream river reach may cause concern due to
the increased potential erosion capacity. Small reservoirs and sediment discharge
outlets provided in the dam will mitigate this impact..
Air - There are no emissions of toxic gaseous, such as oxides of sulphur and
nitrogen that could affect the natural pH and, consequently, the water quality.
Although, during the construction is necessary the installation of a concrete
central and due to excavations and the circulation of heavy vehicles will provoke
particle emissions and gases (e.g. CO, CO
and SO
Pollution – During exploitation, in powerhouses the oil of generator’ lubrication
and transformers must be caught in appropriate site, in order to avoid the water
or land contamination with complex toxicity. Residual materials from the
construction must be removed and located in appropriated sites. Gas emissions
by vehicles and machines in working and siltation by excavations are a matter of
Soils – The implantation of the system should take account the soil ability, in
particular on agricultural purposes. During construction phase, soils occupation
by civil works and reservoir (in case of existing) can affect them in a non-