674 Gerhard N¨agele, Jan K. G. Dhont, and Gerhard Meier
(q) |B(q)|
is the Fourier transform of the intensity complying with an “effective confocal
volume”. For homogeneously labelled spheres, | B(q) | can be represented
quite accurately by a Gaussian ∼ exp{−0.11 q
}, up to wavevectors where
B(q) is small enough that it does not contribute anymore to the integral over
q. Here, a is the radius of the spherical colloidal particle. We thus obtain the
“effective size” of the confocal volume as
+0.22 a
When the particles are large, the fluorescent intensity is non-zero already
when the outer part of a particle enters the confocal volume. At that moment
the center of the colloid is still outside the confocal volume. This leads to an
increase of the apparent confocal volume, as quantified for homogeneously
labelled spheres by the present expression for σ
Experimental correlation functions show some features that we have not
discussed above. First of all, in the various steps taken in the above analysis,
prefactors are always omitted. It turns out, by including all prefactors, that
the proportionality constant in (16.181) is equal to 1/[the average number
of fluorescent colloidal particles in the confocal volume]. This reflects the
relative decrease of number fluctuations in a given volume with increase of
volume. Secondly, there may be free dye molecules, not attached to colloidal
particles, in the solvent. When this is the case, there is a second, additive
contribution of the form (16.181), except that the time constants are much
smaller as compared to those for the colloidal particles. Free dye is therefore
seen only at very small times. Thirdly, dye molecules that are excited in
long-lived triplet states do not contribute to the fluorescent intensity and
therefore temporarily reduce the number of fluorescent dye molecules. Triplet
state excitation can thus be regarded as “reversible bleaching” (contrary to
the irreversible bleaching in the FRAP experiments described earlier). The
relative amplitude of such contributions depends on the sort of dye that is
used, as well as the concentration of dye on the surface and/or inside the core
of a colloidal particle.
A recent overview of FCS can be found in [44]. An extensive literature list
can be found on the FCS website of Zeiss. The above analysis is a simplified
version of a more elaborate analysis in [45].
As far as we are aware, there are no systematic FCS investigations pub-
lished on macromolecular systems. An example of a fluorescence correlation
function on fd-virus (a semi-flexible rod of length 880 nm and width of about
6 nm, with a persistence length of 2200 nm), labelled with TARAM , is given
in Fig. 16.20 [46]. At very small times a triplet contribution is found, at in-
termediate times a decay due to free dye and at longer times decay due to
diffusion of the fd-virus. The curve is fitted with a sum of three terms: a
single exponential function to account for the triplet contribution, and a sum
of two contributions of the form as in (16.181) (one for the free dye and one