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especially at early times when the constant coverage segments in Fig. 7.4 are
the smallest. Smaller “subsystems” cannot measure correctly thermodynamic
singularities of the free energy or its derivatives.
One of the major predictions in the variation of D
(θ, T ) is the critical
slowing down close to a second-order phase transition [18]. This is easily seen
from a widely used mean field expression for the diffusion coefficient, namely
= Γa
/(∂ ln θ/∂(µ/k
T )) with Γ denoting the average jump rate. This
expression is referred to also as the Darken equation when Γa
is identified
with the tracer diffusion coefficient D
(cf., e. g., Chap. 1, Sect. 1.11.2). Close
to a second-order phase transition, critical fluctuations generated thermody-
namically are so large (∂µ/∂θ →∞as T → T
) that no diffusion currents
can eliminate them. This effectively means that D
(T )goesto0asT → T
Strictly speaking this is true for systems where the order parameter is the
coverage θ, since only then the compressibility ∂µ/∂θ is singular at T
ever, for systems which have order parameters different from θ (e. g. an Ising
model with repulsive interactions and the order parameter being the “stag-
gered magnetization”) a weaker singularity is expected for (∂θ/∂µ)
at the
phase transition. Critical slowing down effects both in equilibrium and profile
evolution methods should be smeared out, since only the “staggered” com-
pressibility (i.e. the inverse derivative of the order parameter with respect
to µ) is truly singular. However, D
is still reduced close to T
as a result
of the less singular behavior of ∂µ/∂θ (as will be seen later in Sect. 7.3.2
in connection with Fig. 7.9). In addition to the temperature dependence of
close to a phase transition, the coverage dependence D
vs θ (for fixed
temperature T<T
) can show maxima as the ideal coverage of the ordered
phase θ → θ
is approached, since at θ
the perfect defect-free phase is least
compressible. The reason is that large energy is needed to generate deviations
from this ideal phase, i.e. ∂θ/∂µ → 0asθ → θ
. For the Ising model with
repulsive interactions at θ
=0.5 (the coverage of the c(2 × 2) phase) D
shows a maximum both in equilibrium and profile evolution methods [19,20].
Clearly the behaviour of D
, whether it shows maxima or minima, depends
on the interaction Hamiltonian (i. e. the nature of the order parameter) and
the control parameters, i. e. temperature and coverage. Step profile evolution
methods have been used in [21] to study phase transitions.
In addition to the interest in profile evolution measurements of surface
diffusion, non-equilibrium methods based in the time evolution of a system
from a disordered to an ordered phase after a deep quench have been reviewed
in [22] and will not be covered here. Instead we will discuss the role of surface
diffusion in epitaxial growth because it has more technological significance.
Since epitaxial growth is commonly carried out at far-from-equilibrium condi-
tions (i.e. low temperatures or high deposition rates) the observed structures
are metastable [1]. These epitaxially grown structures can have technological
importance when they are regular in size, shape and separation. In general,
many different microscopic processes with different activation barriers can