226 CHAPTER 10 / Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
On the other hand, we reported a nonsignificant result using . This commu-
nicates that we did not call this result significant because to do so would require a
region greater than 5% of the curve. But then the probability of a Type I error would be
greater than our of , and that’s unacceptable.
Typically, researchers do not use an larger than because then it is too likely that
they will make a Type I error. This may not sound like a big deal, but the next time you
fly in an airplane, consider that the designer’s belief that the wings will stay on may
actually be a Type I error: He’s been misled by sampling error into erroneously think-
ing the wings will stay on. A 5% chance of this is scary enough—we certainly don’t
want more than a 5% chance that the wings will fall off. In science, we are skeptical
and careful, so we want to be convinced that sampling error did not produce our results.
Having only a 5% chance that it did is reasonably convincing.
Type I errors are the reason a study must meet the assumptions of a statistical proce-
dure. If we violate the assumptions, then the true probability of a Type I error will be
larger than our (so it’s larger than we think it is). Thus, if we severely violate a pro-
cedure’s assumptions, we may think that is when in fact it is, say, ! But recall
that with parametric tests we can violate the assumptions somewhat. This is allowed
because the probability of a Type I error will still be close to (it will be only, say,
when we’ve set at ).
Sometimes making a Type I error is so dangerous that we want to reduce its proba-
bility even further. Then we usually set alpha at . For example, say that the smart pill
had some dangerous side effects. We would not want to needlessly expose the public to
such dangers, so would make us even less likely to conclude that the pill works
when it does not. When is , the region of rejection is the extreme 1% of the sam-
pling distribution, so the probability of making a Type I error is now .
However, we use the term significant in an all-or-nothing fashion: A result is not
“more” significant when than when . If lies in the region of rejec-
tion that was used to define significant, then the result is significant, period! The only
difference is that when the probability that we’ve made a Type I error is
Finally, computer programs such as SPSS compute the exact probability of a Type I
error. For example, we might see . This indicates that the lies in the extreme
2% of the sampling distribution, and thus the probability of a Type I error here is . If
our is , then this result is significant. However, we might see , which indi-
cates that to call this result significant we’d need a region of rejection that is the
extreme 7% of the sampling distribution. This implies an of , which is greater than
, and thus this result is not significant.
REMEMBER When is true: Rejecting is a Type I error, and its probabil-
ity is ; retaining is avoiding a Type I error, and its probability is .
Type II Errors: Retaining H
When H
Is False
It is also possible to make a totally different kind of error. Sometimes the variables we
investigate really are related in nature, and so really is false. When in this situation,
if we obtain data that cause us to retain , then we make a Type II error. A Type II
error is defined as retaining when is false (and is true). In other words, here
we fail to identify that the independent variable really does work.
Thus, when our IQ sample mean of 99 caused us to retain and not claim the pill
worked, it’s possible that the pill did work and we made a Type II error. How could this
happen? Because the sample mean of 99 was so close to 100 (the without the pill)
1 2 ␣H
p 5 .07.05␣
p 5 .02
␣ 5 .01
␣ 5 .05␣ 5 .01
p 6 .01
␣ 5 .01
p 7 .05