396 Analytical Techniques for Atmospheric Measurement
of 414 nm, giving typical atmospheric detection limits of H
and the organic peroxides
of 30 pptV.
One of the developments in HPLC is the routine coupling of the column to a mass
spectrometer. This is considerably more difficult than in GC-MS, where the eluent from
the end of the column flows directly into the ion source. The major difficulty in LC-MS
is the removal of the liquid mobile phase, whilst allowing only the analytes to pass into
the detector. Several interfaces have been designed for this purpose, but for air analysis
the most common are atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI) and electrospray
ionisation (ESI). The former uses a reagent gas such as nitrogen as a nebulising gas.
A heated nebuliser is used to vapourise the mobile phase and form reactant ions via a
corona discharge. The ions and analyte molecules are accelerated through skimmers into
a low-pressure region where the solvent is pumped away. Chemical ionisation (positive
or negative) of the analyte molecules occurs via collisions with the excited reagent ions,
which then pass into the mass spectrometer, typically a quadrupole-MS, for analysis.
LC-APCI/MS is particularly suited to moderately polar and non-polar analytes and has
been used to measure aldehydes in both aerosol particles and the gas phase (Grosjean
et al., 1999; Van den Bergh et al., 2002). It has also been used to measure nitroaromatic
compounds in the atmosphere as an indication of concealed land mines (Sanchez et al.,
In ESI, the eluent from the column flows through a metal capillary, which is at a
potential of several kilovolts relative to the surrounding chamber walls. The surfaces
of the emerging liquid become charged and the liquid is dispersed in a fine spray via
repulsive forces. In this case the analytes are ionised by the makeup gas before the solvent
is evaporated and swept away, along with any other non-charged material. Electrospray
ionisation is particularly suited to the analysis of charged, polar, and basic compounds,
making it a complimentary technique to APCI-MS. An example is the use of both ESI−
and APCI+ in terpene aerosol studies to identify the organic acids and carbonyl/alcohol
content respectively (Winterhalter et al., 2003).
8.3.4 Examples of the application of liquid chromatography
in air analysis
The importance of oxygenated compounds in the atmosphere has already been discussed.
Carbonyl species can be emitted from biogenic and anthropogenic sources, such as vehicle
emissions, and are also produced via photo-oxidation of hydrocarbons. Using DNPH to
convert carbonyls to their 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazones produces an analyte ideally suited
to HPLC. Figure 8.17 shows a DNPH–carbonyl standard mixture that has been analysed
using RP-HPLC column (150 mm ×46 mm C18 ODS, 5 m particle size) with a diode
array UV-visible detector (Grosjean et al., 1999). This method has been extended to the
analysis of carbonyls in both the gas and particulate phase of the atmosphere. The DNPH
derivatives of carbonyls found in a PM sample collected during the Pacific 2001 field
study in Fraser Valley, Canada, were analysed by HPLC-UV and a sample chromatogram
is shown in Figure 8.18 (Liggio & McLaren, 2003). Simplification of the complex aerosol
sample is achieved using a simultaneous extraction/derivatisation technique and an initial
guard column is used to trap the hydrazones before flushing onto the analytical column.