Chromatographic Methods 379
weight is an issue and must be kept to a minimum. Cylinders can be made from
aluminium making them lighter than conventional steel cylinders. The use of commer-
cially available gas generators can reduce the number of gas cylinders required. This is
especially important in locations where gas delivery is not possible. The availability of
cryogens, such as liquid nitrogen, in remote locations makes their use limited and systems
such as Peltier-cooled PTV are more suitable. The power usage of the entire GC set-up
should be kept to a minimum and it is common to use a uninterruptible power supply
(UPS) to avoid damaging shutdown of the instrument during power disruptions. Field
instrumentation incorporating a PTV trap, sample pump, flow control and GC-FID has
a typical power usage of 2 kW (Whalley et al., 2004).
In atmospheric chemistry, the vertical profile of the atmosphere is important. GC
systems have been deployed in a number of different ways to obtain information about
the composition of the atmosphere at varying altitudes. Ground level and boundary layer
measurements can be taken from a number of platforms including conventional and
mobile laboratories, research ships and balloons. A lightweight balloon-borne instrument
has been developed to measure trace gases in the stratosphere and incorporates a series of
Carboxen absorbent tubes which are sampled at different altitudes and analysed on the
ground by a GC system (Danis et al., 2000). Long, wide bore sampling manifolds can be
used to obtain air above ground level allowing the GC to remain in a laboratory on the
ground. For example, the Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station in Tasmania, Australia
( has a very tall tower allowing air to
be sampled at elevations of 3, 10 and 70 m above ground level. To obtain free tropospheric
air without the use of an aircraft, requires a laboratory situated at a high altitude above
sea level. The Jungfraujoch High Altitude Research Station ( is
situated on a mountain saddle in Switzerland at 3580 m above sea level. Evidence shows
that the Jungfraujoch observatory lies in the free troposphere throughout winter and often
in spring and autumn. A number of atmospheric measurements based on GC systems
have been made at the Jungfraujoch, including hydrocarbons, PAN and halocarbons
(Whalley et al., 2004).
The use of aircraft to obtain a vertical profiles of the atmosphere is becoming increas-
ingly popular. Aircraft allow a large spatial coverage for measurements of atmospheric
species. Flight time is limited, however, and measurements therefore only represent snap
shots in time. Measurements can be made both in situ with an onboard GC and post
analysis with whole air sampling and a ground-based GC system (Blake et al., 1996; Purvis
et al., 2003). Examples of in-flight GC systems are ORAC (Organics by Real Time Airborne
Chromatograph) (Whalley et al., 2004) and PANAK (PAN-Aldehydes-Alcohols-Ketones)
(Singh et al., 2004) which use a series of capillary columns and multiple detectors such
as ECD, PID and RGD.
Gas Chromatography is also used extensively in industry to measure stack emissions,
landfill emissions and to monitor ambient workplace air quality. In general, grab
samples are taken at the emission site using Teflon bags or evacuated containers,
which can be analysed in the laboratory. A development in emissions monitoring
are portable GCs that can be carried by hand or in a backpack. Portable GCs are
available with a variety of detectors including PID, ECD, TCD and MS. These instru-
ments have many applications including hazardous waste site investigation, indoor air
quality and emergency response, for example in the detection of chemical weapons