232 Analytical Techniques for Atmospheric Measurement
such as organic chemistry and physics. The first commercially available mass spectrometer
with magnetic sector mass filter was delivered in 1942 for the purpose of analysing
synthetically prepared organic compounds. Further developments quickly followed,
particularly in mass filters and detectors. The time of flight mass spectrometer (see
Section, quadrupole analyzer (Section and the ion trap (Section
were developed in the 1950s, and with the advent of the first computers systems became
more automated. The successful coupling of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
improved the detection limits considerably, and as more commercial systems became
available in the 1960s, the technique proliferated throughout the field of science.
Mass spectrometers were first applied to atmospheric research in the 1960s. This work
was stimulated by the discovery that radio waves are reflected in the ionosphere and
a desire to understand the atmospheric distribution of ions. We now know that ions
are produced naturally in the atmosphere and their concentration controls the electrical
properties of the atmosphere as well as influencing important processes such as aerosol
production. Cosmic rays comprising extraterrestrial protons and alpha particles impinging
on the earth have sufficiently high energy to ionise N
(15.58 eV) and O
(12.07 eV).
Being charged, the resulting ions are affected by the earth’s magnetic field, analogously to
those in the mass spectrometer described above. The radiative emission of these particles
is the source of the Aurora seen at high latitudes. Over the first 100 km of the atmosphere
the ionisation density is relatively constant, around 10
ions cm
. Since the neutral gas
density varies by a factor of 4×10
in this range, the mixing ratio of ions to neutrals
decreases substantially from high altitude to low altitude. At the surface there is only
one ion for circa 10
neutral molecules and the only significant source is from radon
(Viggiano & Arnold, 1995). Interestingly, for the reasons given above, the use of mass
spectrometry in the atmosphere began not at the ground but at high altitude (Narcisi &
Bailey, 1965). This was partly due to the interest in the ionosphere but mostly because
the high ion-to-neutrals ratio made it technically easier to make these measurements in
this region despite the inherent difficulty in getting the instruments to 60–100 km above
the Earth (see Section 5.2.1). Indeed it was only much later that the first measurements
of atmospheric ions were made from aircraft in the troposphere (Heitmann & Arnold,
1983), and then at ground level (Perkins & Eisele, 1984). Only positive atmospheric
ions were measured until 1971. In 1971, negative atmospheric ions were first measured
using rocket and balloon borne instruments (Arnold et al., 1971). This group discovered
that mass spectrometric measurements of naturally occurring ions in the middle to
lower atmosphere also provided information on the neutral trace gas composition (e.g.
acetone). It was a natural step to extend the measurement apparatus to include an
internal ion source, leading to the development of the atmospheric pressure ionisation
chemical ionisation mass spectrometer (API-CIMS) technique (see Section 5.4.1), based
on the principle of chemical ionisation first demonstrated by Munson and Field in 1966.
Through the 1980s these techniques permitted the measurement of important trace gases
in the upper troposphere and stratosphere. Airborne nitric acid measurements over the
Antarctic significantly contributed to the understanding of ozone hole chemistry. In the
laboratory, the improved sensitivity of continuous flow GC-MS allowed isotope ratios
of many important species to be determined (Barrie et al., 1984). In the 1990s chemical
ionisation mass spectrometry was developed for the measurement of important radical
species such as OH in the lower atmosphere. Despite its low concentrations and reactivity,