Fluorescence Methods 203
used in the balloon instrument because the laser scatter from the detection chamber is
much lower at red-shifted wavelengths than at the Rayleigh lines.
The uncertainty in the ER-2 OH measurements (Perkins et al., 2001) was ±13%1,
which is a combination of the uncertainty of the laboratory calibration and the uncertainty
in the inference of the sensitivity from in-flight diagnostics. The precision was 0.03 ppt in a
two-second integration. For HO
, additional uncertainty in the chemical conversion leads
to a slightly greater uncertainty of ±15%, with a precision of 0.15 ppt in a two-second
integration. Typical detection limits were 0.05 ppt.
4.3.2 Instruments for lower tropospheric OH measurements
The central role of OH in tropospheric chemistry was recognized in the late 1960s and
early 1970s (Weinstock, 1969). In the troposphere, OH removes VOCs such as methane
and isoprene by initiating oxidation. In the presence of NO
and sunlight, the oxidation
results in catalytic production of ozone. Secondary aerosols may also be produced. In the
lower troposphere, ozone is an irritant and the principal component of photochemical
smog. In the upper troposphere, ozone is a potent greenhouse gas.
The high water vapour concentrations in the troposphere have required instruments
developed for tropospheric OH measurement to use resonant excitation and detection
at 308 nm. This is superior to excitation at 282 nm because the product of the ozone
absorption cross section and the photolysis quantum yield of O
D is reduced by a factor
of ∼30 at 308 nm relative to 282 nm. Early instruments for tropospheric OH detection
(Davis et al., 1976; Wang and Davis, 1974; Wang et al., 1975, 1976) failed due to laser-
generated OH. Hard and co-workers (1984) reduced laser-generated OH using FAGE,
as described in Section 2.2.5, and their early success combining FAGE with excitation at
308 nm using high repetition–rate lasers has been adopted as a model by most research
groups using LIF to observe tropospheric OH (Creasey et al., 1997; Faloona et al., 2004;
Hard et al., 1995; Holland et al., 1995; Kanaya et al., 2001).
All of the current generation instruments operate at low pressure, pump optically
with 1–20 mW of 1–10 kHz tunable light at 308 nm, and detect resonance fluorescence
at 308 nm. Most use similar methods for calibration and background measurement and
have similar inlet and optical cell designs. Some of the reviews that have described these
instruments and scientific results in detail are Crosley, 1995, and Heard and Pilling,
Inlets consist of a critical orifice (∼1 mm diameter) centred on either a flat plate or a
cone. Inlet losses are typically minimized by use of unreactive coatings such as halocarbon
wax and by judicious design of the inlet (Faloona et al., 2004; Stevens et al., 1994). NO
is injected immediately downstream of the orifice, with the reaction time determined by
the volume of the inlet and by the instrument’s pumping speed. Most OH instruments
utilize a single-pass optical cell and detect fluorescence with a PMT. The Pennsylvania
State University design (Faloona et al., 2004) is the exception and uses a multi-pass White
Cell with a microchannel plate detector. This instrument has the best sensitivity reported
to date with a detection limit of 14 ×10
in a 30-second integration, SNR
of 2, and an uncertainty of ±16% 1 for both OH and HO
. Most other instruments
have reported detection limits in the range of 28 ×10
to 10
in the same
averaging times and SNR values (Heard & Pilling, 2003).