NonlinearBook10pt November 20, 2007
be shown that strict bounded realness is equ ivalent to G(s) asymptotically
stable and G
(ω)G(ω) < γ
, ω ∈ R, or, equivalently, |||G(s)|||
< γ.
Alternatively, for a positive real trans fer function it follows from ii) of
Definition 5.19, using a limiting argument, that He G(ω) ≥ 0 for all ω ∈ R
such th at ω is not a pole of any entry of G(s). However, unlike bounded
real transfer functions, there are positive real transfer functions possessing
poles on the ω axis. A simple example is G(s) = 1/s which is analytic in
Re[s] > 0 and He G(s) = 2Re[s]/|s|
> 0, Re[s] > 0. Hence, He G(ω) ≥ 0,
ω ∈ R, does not provide a frequency domain test for positive realness. In
the case where G(s) is analytic in Re[s] > 0 and He G(ω) ≥ 0 holds for all
ω ∈ R for which ω is not a pole of any entry of G(s), one might surmise that
G(s) is positive real. Once again this is not true. A simple counterexample
is G(s) = −1/s which is analytic in Re[s] > 0 and satisfies He G(ω) = 0,
ω ∈ R. However, He G(s) ≥ 0, Re[s] > 0, is not s atisfied. The following
theorem gives a frequency domain test for positive realness.
Theorem 5.11. Let G(s) be a square, real rational transfer function.
G(s) is positive real if and only if the following conditions hold:
i) No entry of G(s) has a pole in Re[s] > 0.
ii) He G(ω) ≥ 0 for all ω ∈ R, with ω not a pole of any entry of G(s).
iii) If ˆω is a pole of any entry of G(s) it is at most a simple pole, and
the residue matrix G
= lim
(s − ˆω)G(s) is nonnegative-definite
Hermitian. Alternatively, if the limit G
= lim
ω →∞
G(ω)/ω exists,
then G
is nonnegative-definite Hermitian.
Proof. The proof follows from the m aximum modulus theorem of
complex variable theory by forming a Nyqu ist-type closed contour Γ in
Re[s] > 0 and analyzing the fu nction f(s) = x
G(s)x, x ∈ C
, on Γ.
For details see [11].
Next, we present the key results of this section for characterizing
positive realness, strict positive realness, bounded realness, and strict
bounded realness of a linear d ynamical system in terms of the system
matrices A, B, C, and D. First, however, we present a key theorem due to
Theorem 5. 12 (Parseval’s Theorem). Let u : [0, ∞) → R
and y :
[0, ∞) → R
be in L
, p ∈ [0, ∞), and let u(s) and y(s) denote their Laplace