NonlinearBook10pt November 20, 2007
notions that are of particular r elevance to such systems are convergence and
semistability. Convergence is the property wh ereby every system solution
converges to a limit point that may depend on the system initial cond ition.
Semistability is the additional r equ irement that all solutions converge to
limit points that are Lyapun ov stable. Semistability for an equilibriu m thus
implies Lyapunov stability, and is implied by asymptotic stability.
It is important to note that semistability is not merely equivalent to
asymptotic stability of the set of equilibria. Indeed, it is possible for a
trajectory to converge to the set of equilibria without converging to any
one equilibrium point (see Problem 4.32). Conversely, semistability does
not imply th at the equilibrium set is asymptotically stable in any accepted
sense. This is because stability of sets (see Section 4.9) is defined in terms
of distance (especially in case of noncompact sets), and it is possible to
construct examples in which the dynamical system is s emistable, but the
domain of semistability (see Definition 4.9) contains no ε-neighborhood
(defined in terms of the distance) of the (noncompact) equilibrium set, thus
ruling out asymptotic stability of the equilibrium set. Hence, semistability
and set stability of the equilibrium set are in dependent notions.
The dependen ce of the limiting state on the initial state is seen
in numerous dynamical systems including compartmental systems [220]
which arise in chemical kinetics [47], biomedical [219], environmental [338],
economic [40], power [400], and thermodynamic sys tems [167]. For these
systems, every trajectory that starts in a n eighborhood of a Lyapunov stable
equilibrium converges to a (possibly different) Lyapun ov stable equilibrium,
and hence these systems are semistable. Semistability is es pecially pertinent
to networks of dyn amic agents which exhibit convergence to a state of
consensus in which the agents agree on certain quantities of interest [208].
Semistability was first introduced in [81] for linear systems, and applied
to matrix second-order systems in [46]. References [57] and [56] consider
semistability of nonlinear systems, and give several stability results for
systems having a continuum of equilibria based on nontangency and arc
length of trajectories, respectively.
In this section, we develop necessary and sufficient conditions for
semistability. Specifically, we consider nonlinear dynamical systems G of
the form
˙x(t) = f (x(t)), x(0) = x
, t ∈ I
, (4.202)
where x(t) ∈ D ⊆ R
, t ∈ I
, is the system state vector, D is an open set,
f : D → R
is Lipschitz continuous on D, f
(0) , {x ∈ D : f (x) = 0}
is nonempty, and I
= [0, τ
), 0 ≤ τ
≤ ∞, is the maximal interval of
existence for th e solution x(·) of (4.202). Here, we assume that for every