Thus, for the self-consistent kinetic equations always have two solu-
tions with , since condition (12.44) can only be satisfied for a that is not
too small is the initial voltage displacement above the threshold level,
for small we have
2. In the opposite limiting case of , the right-hand side of Eq. (12.39)
is approximately unity and hence (12.39) has a small root only for small values of
Using the relation (12.26) we obtain from (12.39) the following expression for
the smallest root
which becomes meaningless when Thus the self-consistent system of
equations with negative initial displacement has a solution with
here if
is sufficiently small.
3. Of the greatest interest is the intermediate case , since for such values
of B phonon instability (see Sect. 12.3) can be achieved. In this case the right-hand
side of Eq. (12.26) is equal to and for the small root we again obtain the
value (12.46). Thus the roots of interest in cases (2) and (3) coincide; they differ
only by the values B, which are determined by the external parameters and
A numerical analysis of the transcendental equation (12.39) confirms the
reasonings outlined above. Thus, for the parameters
2 (in units), three roots of Eq. (12.38) exist:
and When and (for example,
we have (with only a single solution (here
). With increasing the value of B decreases
when , and for sufficiently large (for example, , there are no roots
at all. Thus the behavior of the tunnel SIS' junction is very sensitive to the initial
injection parameters and to those of the junction itself.
In addition to the solutions obtained at there also exists a solution
which corresponds to the situation with no excess quasi-particles, as well as
the solution that corresponds to the normal state . Setting aside the solutions
with large values of we conclude that in general there are three solutions for
the intermediate one corresponding to . Keeping in mind the discussion in Chap.
To consider large values of we should go beyond the approximations used earlier. It is important to
note that slates with a larger are separated from states with a smaller by a high energy barrier, and
transitions between them are very improbable.